As the outstanding Kazakh poet Kadyr Myrzaliev said in poetic language, we can say that in the words "A real Kazakh is not a Kazakh, a real Kazakh is a dombra" there is a recognition of the true national identity.
Bori Isa is a modern dombra player, composer, drummer and masterful performer who has raised the Kazakh dombra art to the level of creative, scientific and dombra studies.
Inspired by his native soil, Bori Isa has risen to the heights of true art. He is a talented artist who is loved by his people. Many spectators witnessed his stage mastery. Today he is a teacher who has trained dozens and hundreds of students.
In the framework of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence, organized by the Turkestan Regional Akimat, a distinguished teacher of the Department of Art, Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bori Isauly was awarded the Order of Honor. We sincerely congratulate our teacher and wish him creative success and good health.