Online open lesson on the topic "Art therapy"
Topic: Sand therapy
Educational program: 5В010300 - "Pedagogy and Psychology"
Group: PzhP-17
Course: 4
Lecturer: Master, Senior Lecturer Tashtauova Zh.Kh.
Open lesson materials:
Lesson plan:
1. The history of sand therapy.
2. The main goals, objectives, possibilities of sand therapy.
3. Equipment for the sand therapy room.
The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the history of sand therapy, its main tasks, content and capabilities, to equip them with new knowledge.
Lesson visualization: slide
Methods: Brainstorming, Q&A, Explanation, Feedback, Reflection.
Course: organizational stage 5 minutes.
Briefly review the previous lessons, collect ideas from the group members, introduce the topic of the new lesson.
New knowledge 25 minutes
Students set lesson objectives by answering the following questions:
- What will I learn on the topic of the lesson?
- What do I understand at the end of the lesson?
- What can I achieve by learning this lesson?
Hearing: Students listen to the new text.
Challenge: Students ask a teacher or group of students questions about the content of a new topic that they do not understand and want to learn.
Ways of using sand therapy:
1. Conversation
2. Drawing with colored sand.
3. Educational games
4. Communication games.
5. Discussions