Regional seminar on "We will build a state without corruption"
A regional seminar on "We will build a state without corruption" was held. Corruption is one of the most pressing issues in today's society. For this purpose, a regional seminar on "We will build a state without corruption" was held at the initiative of the public association "Great Steppe Villages".
Deputy akim of Zhetysai district Serik Primbekov, head of the department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of Turkestan region Yerzhan Zhunusov and head of the department of human resources development of Turkestan region Kurmangazy Kalykul Tursyn Mirzaliev and head of the department of human potential development of Zhetysai district Maktaaral district Muratbek Serikbayev, Head of the Department, Zamzagul Slambekova, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs and Social Affairs of Syrdariya University, Mira Ikhlasova, Master of Law, Senior Lecturer, heads of secondary schools and preschools and special secondary schools of Zhetysai and Maktaaral districts.
Explanatory work was carried out on the topic "Prevention of corruption in educational institutions" on changes in a number of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Videos were shown at the meeting with teachers, who are key figures in the formation of the anti-corruption civic position of young people and the development of the necessary values and human qualities. The damage and negative effects of corruption on society and industry were mentioned, and the areas where corruption crimes are most common were discussed.
Master of Law, Senior Lecturer Ikhlasova Mira Zharbosynovna made a report on "Fighting corruption - the duty of every citizen." Specific answers were given to the questions asked by the participants.