Mukagali Makatayev is a famous Kazakh poet
The source of Mukagali's poetry, the source of inspiration, the country of birth, the place where he grew up, the destiny of the Motherland, the breath of time, the dreams of his contemporaries. All this was created by Mukagali at the level of immortal art, embodied in the unique mastery of the young talent, in the poetic perfection of the gods, in the heartfelt and sincere feeling that communicates with every heart, in the imagery that is unique to true poetry. Through his works, he raised Kazakh poetry to new heights and enriched its content.
Mukagali poetry is not just a phenomenon of art at the level of art. His immortal art and winged poetry enriched the feelings of the Kazakh people, raised their personality and perfected their intellect.
Mukagali was also able to complete his work in the field of translation with his own skills. He translated Dante's "Mighty Comedy" into "Hell", Shakespeare's "Sonnets" and Walt Whitman's poems into Kazakh.
M.Makatayev wrote "Swallow, did you come?", "Heart to Dariga", "When the swans are asleep", "My sunshine", "Life story" and others. collections of poems were born.
After his death at the age of forty-five, Mukagali's second life - immortality - began. The rich legacy of the poet: "Heart beats", "Sholpan", "Singing heart", "Life-river" and others. song books, "Goodbye, love!" The book of prose has become one of the most sought-after works of the reader. The poet Mukagali, who showed a wonderful example of love for life, created an anthem about life in the poem "Sorrow" (requiem). In the poem "Swans are asleep" the country sings the harmony of faith and beauty, "Raimbek, Raimbek!" In the epic he describes the history of the country, the heroism of Raimbek Hangeldiyevich, who took the flag in his hands and went against the enemy.
M. Makatayev's poetry covers a wide range of topics, covering all issues of the world. His birthplace, the fate of people, life and death, mother and child, poet and poetess, the complexities of war, etc. The lyrics on the theme are of a unique national character, embroidered with national jewelry.
Today, in February, an evening dedicated to the 91st anniversary of the great poet Mukagali Makatayev "Mukagali Makatayev - a poet of the XXI century" was held.
Kokumbayeva Torgai Igenovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, and librarians, who made a great contribution to the event:
1. Gulshat Agubaeva
2. Maldybekova Fatima
3. Batyrkhanova Sveta
4. Dosybekova Orazkul.
It is also worth noting that talented young people are active first-year students of the educational program "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education."