In February 2025, within the framework of academic cooperation between J. A. Taşenev University and one of the leading universities in Turkey, Firat University, an important working visit took place.

The faculty of our university, including PhD Dr. Shakhlo Naralieva, Masters Erkinay Spabekova and Beybit Temirbekov, completed an internship at Firat University, got acquainted with its research base and advanced teaching methods. This visit was a significant step in strengthening partnership, expanding scientific cooperation and implementing joint projects.

Firat University is among the top 1000 universities in the world. Its modern infrastructure and scientific potential create favorable conditions for obtaining high-quality education and conducting research. The university consists of 18 faculties, 4 institutes, 1 conservatory, 3 professional schools and 21 research centers. In addition, the university has its own hospital, modern laboratories, production facilities, as well as one of the largest libraries in the region.

As part of the international academic mobility program, students of the University named after J. A. Tashenev, 2nd year - Nurbibi Amze and 3rd year - Mavluddin Akramkhanov, study at Firat University in the spring semester. This gives them the opportunity to gain new knowledge, practical experience and get acquainted with another educational system.

The University named after J. A. Tashenev attaches great importance to the development of international partnerships. In the near future, it is planned to invite teachers and students of Firat University to exchange experiences and strengthen academic cooperation. Interaction with the head of the Department of Language and Literature of the Turkic Peoples, Professor Erjan Alkaya, who provides comprehensive support for the development of joint scientific initiatives, is especially important. Shakhlo Naralieva, a representative of the Zh. A. Tashenev University, emphasized the importance of cooperation.

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