Research Skills Courses
On the initiative of the founders of the university named after J.A. Tashenev, in order to optimize the research work of teaching staff, research skills courses have been organized. The courses are conducted by the Director of the Department of International Relations Dinara Gabbasovna Sultan. The average number of course participants is 35 university teachers who intend to improve their skills in writing and publishing the results of their scientific research in international peer-reviewed publications and in journals with a non-zero impact factor and a high rating, included in the Web of Science and Scopus database. At the end of September, Dinara Sultan held a meeting with course participants and explained the goals of organizing the courses and listed a number of tasks that face the implementation of the work plan for the research skills courses. Courses are conducted twice a week - remotely, on the ZOOM platform. The courses provide valuable experience in research methods, from hypothesis development to data analysis. Participants develop skills in formulating research questions and using sources effectively. The course stimulates critical thinking and develops independent research skills.