International seminar
An international seminar on the topic “THE POWER OF YOUTH – ONE STEP TO A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE”, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, started at Pavlodar University named after S. Toraigyrov.
At the plenary session of the seminar, presentations were made by the coordinator of international projects of the University of Anhalt in Germany Vasilenko Oksana, the coordinator of the office of the Palacky University in the Czech Republic Viktor Slavik, and doctoral student of the Baku Slavic University in Azerbaijan Hasanli Sayara. The seminar discussed the basic values of youth education in the era of globalization.
The event is attended by Galymzhan Shamshidinuly Bitursyn, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work at Zhumabek Tashenev University, and Zhenis Kunanbay, Student Rector.
The vice-rector of our university Galymzhan Shamshidinuly gave an interview to the Irbis TV channel, as well as People's Radio on the topic of the seminar.