Debate is the art of free speech
Debates on current issues are the most important form of social work. It focuses on the dialectical approach to various areas of social development (politics, economics, culture, etc.), issues of social progress. At Syrdarya University, this direction has long been different and formed in the form of a debate club.
Debate is a technology that effectively implements education by organizing the youth movement. It is designed to prove any thesis, regardless of the art of convincing speech, personal point of view. Debate participants learn to listen to each other and develop public speaking skills, speech culture, creativity and ingenuity, and critical thinking. At the same time, seeing the origins and core of various problems in society, they exchange views on the best ways to solve difficult situations in different countries.
The debate club at Syrdarya University is aimed at the formation and development of free individuals and active students. Today, all the competencies in the field of education are given to students, so any student has a great opportunity to develop themselves, using convincing arguments to convince the audience of the position in which the conflicting views arise. There is also a need to develop communication skills, resilience to stress and the ability to work in a team, and other flexibility in order to achieve certain results, both in school and in the career. And our university has all the necessary conditions for students to gain experience and work independently.
One way to develop flexibility and work ability is to involve students in the work of public organizations. In particular, debates play an important role in increasing student activity. Undoubtedly, every student who is active in such important events will learn to use the vast ideas and new ideas gained from world experience for the benefit and benefit of their country.
Slambekova ZA - Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs and Social Affairs
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