Accreditation, 2022-2024
► Accreditation certificate (2 pages). Validity period13.12.2023 - 13.12.2028
► Certificate of international institutional accreditation . Validity period: 2026ж. 27 маy
► Certificate of international accreditation of educational programs
6В01402 - Training of music teachers
6В01509 - Training of Geography-History teachers
6В01506 - ГTraining of geography teachers 6В04101 – Accounting and auditing 6В04102 - Finance
Validity period: 24.07.2023 – 23.07.2028
► 22.06.2023. Certificate of international specialized accreditation (6B04103 - Economics). Validity period: 22.06.2028
► Certificate of international specialized accreditation
- 6В01510 - Training of biology and geography teachers
- 6В01704 – Training of Uzbek language and literature teachers
Validity period: 07.06.2024 . - 07.06.2027
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