Tazhitaev Kairat Sseilovich

Name: Tazhitaev Kairat Sseilovich

Phone: 8(72534) 6-14-63

E-mail: info@sirdariya.kz

Higher education.

Academic degree: Doctor of Economics.

Professional specialty: Agronomist.

Courses taught: economy of Kazakhstan, financial analysis.

Work experience in the institution: since 2008
Academic experience: 12 years.
Non-academic experience: 25 years.
Certificate of professional registration or advanced training, indicating the period:
Methods of teaching economic theory, Institute of Education Development Strategies, FGBNU, 72 hours, 11-20.10.2017.
Professional member: no
Awards and prizes:
Services in the service sector: no

Topics of the most important publications and presentations over the past 5 years, in which the authors were published (if any), the date of publication and presentation

1. "Влияния образования на социально-экономическое развитие страны в современных условиях общества". «Наука, новые технологии и инновации Кыргыстана. 2018.№2. (РИНЦ, Импакт-фактор 0,022) 

2. "Некоторые теорические аспекты социальной инфрасирукты", Kazakhstan Innovations 2018



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