Berdalieva Tilla Dosybekovna

Name: Berdalieva Tilla Dosybekovna

Education: higher, physics, Shymkent Pedagogical Institute (June 29, 1974);

Scientific and academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (13.00.02 - Methods of teaching physics), Associate Professor (March 29, 1996);

Professional specialty: Physics teacher

Phone: 8(72534) 6-20-08


Disciplines: Methods of teaching physics, General Physics course, History of Physics, pedagogical practice of students.

Academic experience: 40 years of university: 1977-1993. SPI, 1993-2006 IKTU named after A.Iassaui, 2006-2011 AIU, SKSPI 2011-2014, since 2014 the University "Syrdariya".

Non-academic experience: 1974-1977. Secondary school named after Y. Altynsarin is a physics teacher.

Certificate or professional registration: Certificate / certificate "Innovative educational technologies in higher education" Prague, November 7, 2016, registration №0000608; Certificate "WTO Membership: Prospects for Research and the International Technology Market" Singapore, October 20, 2017, registration №00571.

Membership in professional organizations: -

Awards and prizes: medal "SKSPI - 80 years"; Diploma - SKR maslikhat; Letters of thanks - National Testing Center, regional, district administration and education department, University.
Sphere of services (in-house and out-of-institution): no

Publications and presentations for the last five years - title, authors (if any), where and when they were published:

Title of publications

Journal, name of conferences, place of origin, date



Система контроля знаний учащихся в процессе обучения

“Membership in theWTO”:Prospects of Scientific Researches and International Technology Market: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Volive II –Singapore: Regional Academy of Management, 2017. -270 p



Инструменты оценки знаний учащихся по физике

НАУКА И МИР Межд. журнал, №12(28), 2015, Том 2. – с.63-65. ISSN 2308-4804. Импакт – фактор журнала – 0,325 (Global Impact Factor 2015, Австралия)

Завацкая О.Б.


Интегрированные уроки по физике с последующим критериальным оцениванием знаний учащихся

Materialy XI Miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji “Naukowa mysl informacyjnej powieki - 2015” Volume 7. Pedagogiczne nauki. : Przemysl. Nauka I studia – 96 str.

Мырзакулова Н.Ж..