Abish Yerzhan Тurabekovich

Full name: Abish Yerzhan Тurabekovich

Phone: 8702-377-77-43

E-mail: Erzhan23.09.1977@mail.ru

Educations: "Physical culture and sports»

3. Academic practice: 20 year

4. Non-academic practice: 2 year

5. Certificate of professional registration or professional development with an indication of the term:
 In 2017, a certificate of advanced training in the specialty "Interactive teaching methods and measurement technologies of assessment" was issued (Almaty).

6. Membership in professional organizations: no
7. Awards and prizes: 
 In 2016, he was awarded a Letter of Thanks by the akim of the district for the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2017, she was awarded a Letter of Thanks from the Deputy akim of Maktaaral district A. Yeshenkulova.

In 2018 were awarded letters of thanks of akim of the district Maktaaralskogo Turkestan region, 2018 letter of Appreciation from the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Sagadiyev's meeting

In 2018 awarded for 1st place in the international volleyball Turner in memory of Colonel J. KNB Medeubaev in Temirtau, In 2019 at the initiative of the Head of the state N. A. Nazarbayev in order to support professionals in rural areas of the state program "With diploma to the village" the head of the Department D. the meeting was a letter of Appreciation For services and contribution to the development of the country,

In 2020 after the year of"volunteer" in order to promote healthy lifestyles was awarded as the Best coach in basketball among students.

8. Activities in the educational sector: no
9. Topic of the most important publications and presentations over the past 5 years, where authors are published (if available), date of publication and presentation:

 The method and game system of training football players and their pedagogical characteristics, the use of national games in educational work, the method of physical improvement of methods of playing Volleyball, the methodological basis of the activities and significance of national games in school, the organization of work on physical education in preschool institutions.
10. A short list of professional, research and development works, authorship or authorship of a partner in research and development projects: no

11. Additional information about significant aspects of the business that are not included in the list: no