Open lesson "Pedagogical classics of the 19th century
Faculty of "Pedagogy and Natural Sciences".
Lecturer of the Department of "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education" Zhoraeva Gaukhar Bazarbayevna held an open lesson on the topic "Pedagogical classics of the 19th century", which was attended by: Head of the Department, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences Zhapbarova G.A., PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kenzhebekova R.A., Zhoraeva S., and other teachers. The topic of the lesson will allow you to open detailed information about the main features of Kazakh literature of the 19th century. The teacher conducted individual, paired and group work in the lesson. The students were divided into groups and completed the tasks. The work was accompanied by educational and methodological equipment, reference literature, posters, a presentation, a laptop, an interactive board. The students actively participated in the lesson.