Bekzatov Bayankul
"Syrdariуa" University is one of the most famous universities in the country.
Its material and technical base is fully equipped at a high level and has a strong personnel structure, in which scientists known in Kazakhstan also work.
Therefore, I believe that "Syrdariуa" University is promising and long-term.
I, Bekzatov Bayankul, from 2001 to 2005, was an ordinary student at the university, I graduated with a degree in history.
In those years, we were taught by many experienced teachers. In particular, candidates of historical sciences S. Mamraimov, S. N. Apasheva. We received a comprehensive education from such teachers as G. Orynbaeva, M. Meirbekov, and senior teacher Zh. Zhantoreev. After graduation, I taught history at school.
We, as university graduates, use the theoretical knowledge that I received at the university, at the same time, combine knowledge with practical experience and provide comprehensive education for schoolchildren.
I, an ordinary teacher, became the deputy director for educational work, then I was appointed director of the A. Zhangeldin secondary school in 2008.
I am very grateful to the faculty of the "Syrdariуa" University.
I wish them creative success, excellent fruits in work and good health.
In general, I always want "Syrdariуa" University to continue to flourish and be at the forefront of higher education in Kazakhstan.
Keep doing this, "Syrdariуa"!