Seminar-training "Interactive methods of teaching and innovative technologies of education"
The words of the head of our state NA. Nazarbayev sounds: We need to continue the modernization of education ...
We strive to provide a new level of university education and science ...
Quality education should become the basis for industrialization and innovative development of Kazakhstan. Realizing that lifelong learning should become the personal creed of every citizen of Kazakhstan, he defined a serious educational aspect.
The results of today's education require that the student take first place in the learning process. And this principle obliges every teacher to use teaching methods that activate students.
To teach these ideas and features to future teachers in cooperation with the Republican Center for Educational and Psychological Development "Damu" to teach the use of modern technologies in the upcoming pedagogical life, from September 25 to 30, 2017, 36 hours a training seminar "Interactive teaching methods and innovative technology training".
Such methods as Personality of the teacher and his human capital, Pedagogical skills and professional growth, Innovations in the education system, its features and advantages, Effective use of interactive methods, as well as group work, reflection and feedback, assessment, critical thinking methods, lesson structure and lesson planning. Development of lesson plans for the CCM (short-term plan). The training workshop not only created innovative literacy for students, but also gave life lessons and improved their knowledge.
Today, the education system, aimed at students, encourages young people to create a new kind of creativity called "Creativity of Life." Its basis is determined by the four basic values of knowledge defined by Jacques Delors (UNESCO): life skills, ability to work, the ability to live with others, learn to learn. That is why today's education system should be aimed at teaching students. Proof of this is the famous teacher, scientist V. Kukushkin: "I ask you to help your students become people. Your aspirations should never lead to the emergence of educated, experienced, knowledge-based hexanes. Reading, writing and arithmetic are important only to help our children become people".
Fayziev Nurzhan Saparkhanovich
Senior lecturer of the department "Pedagogy and psychology"