Implementation of the internal academic policy program
In order to implement the participation of professors in the program of internal academic mobility:
On the basis of the agreement on cooperation between the University "Syrdarіya" and Kyzylorda "University of the Future" from April 5 to April 15, 2022, next professors of our university gave lectures and were awarded certificates:
1. Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor
2. Apasheva Sabira Nurbaevna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
3. Adambekova Meiramkul Tungyshbaevna - Senior Lecturer, Master
4. Musaev Husan Abdusamatovich - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer
5. Tazhitaev Kairat Seilovich - Doctor of Economics, Senior Lecturer.
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