At a time when our country is 30 years old and is now entering the fourth decade, it is important to learn from the great struggle for independence, which is the great dream and ideal of our people, and to strengthen the country and national unity. One of the struggles for such independence in our history is the Alash movement. Unlike the previous national liberation struggles of the XVIII-XIX centuries, the Alash movement had a different method of struggle, the Alash people chose a modern, political way of struggle, not an armed struggle. In other words, in the twentieth century, they realized that their strength was not in their hands, but in their knowledge, and they fought with pens, not swords. To a Kazakh sleeping in the dark, "Wake up, Kazakh!" The struggle of Alash activists, who not only awakened the national spirit and national consciousness of the people, but also formed the Alash Party, Alash state and Alashorda government, is an example for today's generation. and learn from it.
The idea of Alash was the Kazakh state, the national idea of the country. In the XV century, inherited from other Turkic brethren, the black shanyrak of the ancient Turks - a separate country called "Kazakh" in today's Kazakh land, the national idea that united the country under one banner - "Alash". This name, which has its origins in the Turkic-Kipchak period (IX-X centuries), has become the motto of the newly formed young nation. Alash was the ghost of the whole nation, the source of the national spirit. It was a historical law and necessity that the idea of Alash, which became the spirit of the nation, was revived in the early twentieth century, transformed into a new era and appeared on the stage of history. After all, it was necessary to awaken the Kazakh, who was completely oppressed by the Russian Empire, who had lost his class spirit, who was sleeping in the dark, to revive his passionate spirit. And the idea that awakened the nation, ingrained in its memory and blood, was the idea of Alash. The main dream of the Alash leaders at that time was not only to awaken the people from below, but also to enter the arena of political struggle. Therefore, we can say that the idea of Alash has come true today, the dream of Alash lions has come true. In achieving our independence today, there is an indelible imprint of the great struggle of Alash leaders on the way to the creation of an independent Kazakh state.
Thus, the idea of Alash, the great dream of the lions of Alash has come true today: the Kazakh nation, which has experienced many narrow and slippery roads, gained its state independence only 30 years ago. Today, our independent country, where the blue flag flies, is recognized by the whole world. The lions of Alash have done a lot for the revival of our statehood and the achievement of such a happy day for our country. If we say that the most precious value of mankind is Independence, then the struggle of Alash figures, who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and future of their country, is a historically significant event in the history of the Motherland. The statehood and national spirit, patriotism and patriotism, great perseverance and struggle of the Alash Lions should be an example for today's Kazakh people, especially the younger generation. Here are the lessons of the history of Alash.
Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Syrdarіya University