Best student - 2018
The contest "The Best Student" was held, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the University "Syrdariya", organized by the specialist of SMAMB Azizbekova A.S. and students of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" B.A. Narmuratov, B.A. Orynbasar. The event was held at a high level. The competition was held in five stages in order to identify the most talented university students, arouse their interest and social activity:
Stage 1. “My profession is my pride” (each student presents himself and his profession in the form of a presentation or video);
Stage 2. "Recognize your talent" (each student shows his art);
Stage 3. Test task (each student is given test questions in the specialty);
Stage 4. "Question-answer" (each student is asked questions about the history of the university and department).
12 students took part in the competition:
1. Idris Talshin
2. Nurahov Myrzabek
3. Zulkhaynarov Talgat
4. Daniyar Asilbek
5. Satuov Bekbolat
6. Sherbay Arailym
7. Shyntaev Nurmakhan
8. Baysultanova Sandugash
9. Victory of good
10. Tegisbaev Tolep
11. Zhabak Nursulu
12. Embergen Beknu
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mamraimov S.D., Professor Isa Bori, Head of the Registration Bureau Akhmet T.F., University Research Specialist, Chairman of the Council of "Young Scientists" Amanbaev N.S. according to the results of the competition, which was judged by the head of the department "Academic mobility" M.A. Doskaraeva, 1st year student of geography and history Nurahov Myrzabek was recognized as the "Best Student" and awarded a one-time increased scholarship (25,000 tenge). In addition, the following students who actively participated in the competition, along with various nominations, also received financial awards:
Idris Talshin, student of the Bio-15 group in the nomination "Educational Sphere" (10,000 tenge);
Talgat Zulhaynarov, student of group Et-16 in the nomination "The most inquisitive student" (10,000 tenge);
Satuov Bekbolat, a student of the Kt-16 group in the nomination "The most creative student" (10,000 tenge);
Nurmakhan Shyntaev, student of the Tar-16 group in the nomination "The most creative student" (10,000 tenge);
Daniyar Asylbek, student of the Kt-16 group in the nomination "Hope of the University" (10,000 tenge);
Tegisbaev Tolep (10,000 tenge), student of the Tar-16 group in the Pride of the Profession nomination.
Orynbasar Baimakhan, a student of the "Meat-16" group (7,500 tenge) and Babamurat Narmuratov, a student of the "Bio-16" group (7,500 tenge), who took part in organizing an event well-known among students, were awarded an incentive prize.