The book is history and genealogy
April 23 is an exhibition dedicated to World Book and Copyright Day
Dear teachers, professors, we present to your attention our online exhibition "Book - history, genealogy" dedicated to the World Book Day on April 23!
We bring to your attention the works of these poets and writers in order to read and propagandize the rich poems of our writers, to inspire the younger generation to their moral life, to increase the enthusiasm of young people to read books, love for the country and the land.
- Works of Ayashev Onalbay Ayashevich, academician of the "National Academy" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, founder of the "Syrdarya" University, honorary citizen of Maktaaral district.
- Serikov Begim Serikovich, a well-known public figure and statesman, Doctor of Economics, honorary citizen of Makhtaral, honorary professor of Syrdarіya University, who ruled the Myrzashol region for many years with honor.
- The essence of the popularization of the poetry of Aktanger akyn, composer Mukhtar Kuralov and the feeling of the secret of its vitality, the uniqueness of the harmony of the music of each of his works, the songs written in the words of the poet.
Dear reader interested in science! It is important to explain the importance of books in human life, the benefits of science and education, explaining the published works of PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS OF "SYRDARІYA" UNIVERSITY, saying that "the heritage of the great is an example for future generations." Yes, the book is a powerful tool for developing the spiritual forces of society.