Scientific and theoretical conference
On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Kanysh Imantauly Satbayeva, a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the specialized boarding school No. 2 of the city of Shymkent, Mayra Osenovna Galieva took part in the international scientific and theoretical conference “National Science: Modern Principles and Current Issues of Interdisciplinary Research.” During the conference, the following speakers were: 9th grade student Sarsenbek Ramazan with a report on the topic “Issues of hygiene and health in the works of the famous Yusup” and 9th grade student Jasmina Auezova: “Grandmother, the relationship between mother and child in Magzhan’s poems.” The students defended their projects at a high level and showed their activity. The rector of the university, K.S., expressed his congratulations on today’s Scientists’ Day. Baibolov, he solemnly presented a letter of gratitude to the conference participants.