Training course “Digital Literacy”
In order to increase the level of digital competence of the teaching staff, the department of information technologies and employees of the department of “Information Technologies” organized a training course “Digital Literacy”. The organizers of the courses have prepared: a special training program designed for 72 academic hours, a list of participants consisting of 67 teachers, a schedule of classes, a collection of test questions, a program complex for passing the test, registration log for issuing certificates.
The course program consists of four modules:
1. Effective use of computer technology
2. Effective use of software
3. Effective use of Internet technologies
4. Effective use of media content
The course program includes the basics of computer technology, the use of modern software, and organizing work on the Internet.
During practical classes, course participants were given the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge and skills.
Classes were held in four computer classrooms from January 29 to February 10, 2024.
At the end of the training course, teachers took a computer test, and after successfully passing it, they were awarded certificates. Almost all teachers highly appreciated the importance and relevance of this training course. They noted that the experience gained contributes to professional growth.