Scientific Seminar
In order to activate the activities of the Modular Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, created on the basis of an agreement between the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and Tashen University, a scientific seminar was held on February 7 with the participation of juvenile police officers, psychologists, and scientists. The scientific seminar was attended by Professor of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Doctor of Economics G. Atakhanov, Head of the Cycle of the Momyshuly Training Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Legal Sciences T. Karatayev. Head of the Department of Law and Business of Tashen University N.R. Bizhan made a report on the prevention of this crime. Based on the results of the seminar, recommendations were developed for amending and supplementing the legislation in order to prevent this crime. The participants of the seminar highly appreciated the scientific seminar organized by the Department of Law and Business of the Faculty of Economics and Law.