The name of the teacher is high and eternal
It is clear that a country that has not mastered knowledge and science can never see the horizon of a perfect future. The President has always said that the future of the country is in the hands of open-minded, open-hearted, kind-hearted young people and the younger generation, who analyze the past and strive for prosperity.
The founder of our university Ayasheva Esenkul Seilovna, who provides quality education and sensible upbringing of such a generation, awarded a badge presented by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Dairbekov Serik Sansyzbayevich, Professor Bori Isa and Candidate of Historical Sciences Elshibayev Sarsenbek Kulishevich were awarded the badge "Y. Altynsarin" for significant achievements in teaching and educating the younger generation, the badge "Honorary Worker of Education" for outstanding work in education. Abenova Lyazzat Usmanovna, Candidate of Sciences.
You have done a great job in educating your disciples, educating them, instilling in them good qualities, and guiding them in the moral spirit. A scientist, a national hero, a poet, a smelter, a farmer and a shepherd all learned from the teacher, so all the respect is for the teachers, for you.
On behalf of the teaching staff of the University, we sincerely congratulate you! May your work in educating and educating your disciples continue. May your work be successful, your families be happy, and your anniversaries prevail!
University spokesman G.E. Altynbekova