Department of "Design"

Tleubaeva Balzhan Seydramanovna

head of department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docen

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Department trains specialists in the following three fields:

1. 6В01403-Training of teachers of drawing and art work

2. 6В02101-"Design"

3. 6В01402 - Training of music teachers

About of the department

Department of "Art" was opened in 2000, in preparation of teachers in the direction of fine arts and drawing. The first head of the department was a member of the Union of Artists Kalmuratov Jenis. In 2005, the department was renamed the Department of "Art and Design", became head of the Ph.D. Bolysbaev Daulethan. In 2009 Saparbayev Uldanay Alibekovna.
Currently head of the department is Ph.D., associate professor Dayirbekova Gulmira Baiseitovna. The department has 9 teachers, including 1 doctor of sciences, 4 candidates, 2 associate professors, and 4 teachers: university lecturers - Saparbayeva U., Bishanov M., teachers - Suttіbaeva F, Kulanbaeva B., Janaev O., Sazov S.

The teachers know all the basic knowledge. Members of the Department of "Fine arts and drawing" engaged in training students in the field of science and research, as well as supervise the methodical work of students. Employees of the department are regularly produced training manuals, manuals for SRSP, electronic textbooks on the work programs, sootvetsvtuyuschim system of credit technology. Department of "Fine arts and drawing" provided all the needed material and technical means: educational literature, furniture, two sewing workshops, workshop 1, etc. All members of the department are engaged in creative work, for students open special creative mug "Craft", "Young Artist" and "World of Fashion", in which students develop their creative abilities. In addition, students are organized recitals and exhibitions, such as "Fashion Parade and Songs", "Master", which have become a tradition.
The students of creative disciplines are participating in various competitions, such as "4th year student group BOS-19 Agmentaeva Ainagul at the regional level has won the top prize in krnkurse" The young master of a brush. All this shows that the Department is successful artistic maturity in terms of knowledge.

Teaching staff
  1. Асилова Каммила Саидбурхановна
  2. Байтелиева Жанар Елтановна
  3. Джанпаизова Василя Мирзахмедовна
  4. Иманкулова Мария Нуридиновна
  5. Ким Ирина Степановна
  6. Кужагулова Гульнар Есеновна
  7. Мажитов Улугбек Халматович
  8. Рахманкулова Жанат Абдыкадыровна
  9. Сапарбаева Ұлданай Әлібекқызы
  10. Туманова Гүлзада Асқарқызы



Educational programs

About profile 6B02111 - Fashion industry

The higher education program “Fashion Industry” is aimed at professional training for the fashion industry. We are preparing a new generation of highly qualified, socially responsible specialists in the fashion industry, in demand both at the Kazakhstan and international levels.
The main task is to give the future specialist fundamental knowledge in the field of the fashion industry, clothing and accessories design, style and image, design, modeling, technology, brand management in the fashion industry, and fashion illustration.

The goal of EP 6B02111 “Fashion Industry” is to train a new generation of highly qualified, socially responsible specialists in the fashion industry, capable of creating competitive clothing models in conditions of mass production, individual order and experimental fashion, possessing professional, creative and personal competencies in accordance with the needs of innovative development fashion industry.
Students will learn to analyze the activities of competitors and choose a product promotion strategy. They will engage in market research, learn to identify target audiences, and collaborate with designers and marketers. The training program includes such subjects as brand management in the fashion industry, Fashion industry advertising project, creative thinking in the fashion industry, sociology of fashion, financial management and marketing and business practices in the fashion industry.
Field of professional activity
• Publishing: art director, designer
• Exhibition design and graphics
• Information designer
• Branding: designer, consultant, strategist
• Advertising: art director, creative director
• Retail: designer, visual merchandiser
• Motion designer

Areas of study:
•    mass and creative costume design – development of designs for mass and individual production of clothing;
•    design and modeling of clothing – creating variants of clothing designs for the author’s costume design;
•    costume graphics and digital technologies in costume design – development of original sketches using computer programs (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and many others);
•    classical sewing technology and innovative processing methods - development of a technological map of an original product;
•    costume shaping and modern 3D clothing projects – development of three-dimensional costume forms and creation of clothing models;
•    individual style and image – development of the client’s style and image;
•    color in a suit and coloristics of a costume range – creation of commercial color ranges in collections of individual design;
•    fashion and beauty service - the history of the development of the fashion and beauty industry
•    creative thinking of the fashion industry - design thinking a new vision in the fashion industry
•    customization and personalization of clothing – creating an original style according to the order of individual clients.

Direction: 6B02111 - Fashion industry
Documents: license
UNT: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language, Russian language, creative exams
Duration of study: 5 years of study
Full-time form of education
Preparatory courses: “Design. General training", "Fashion design", "Costume design"
Read more about admission conditions.
Enrollment for preparatory courses in design is now open! Start of training – January 2023
About the profession
Graduates work in branded companies, boutiques, design studios or produce their own clothing line.

Where can you work:
•    Women's clothing designer
•    Menswear designer
•    Stylist
•    Fashion Editor
•    Theater and film costume designer
•    Creative director of an author’s studio or clothing production
•    Accessory designer
•    Custom wardrobe designer
•    Professional shopper
•    Fashion illustrator
•    Garment production confectioner
•    Model designer
•    Bayer


  3. Akdeniz University, Antalya, Türkiye

Training program and practice
The Fashion Industry training program complies with Kazakh and international standards of higher education, and is also filled with unique proprietary methods.
Classes are held in design workshops for the production and design of clothing, equipped with everything necessary for work. The classrooms are equipped with cutting tables, industrial sewing machines, overcasting machines and other professional equipment for processing products.
During the training, students develop creative, abstract and figurative-associative thinking, learn to analyze and create new techniques for technological processing and production of modern and high-quality clothing from ready-to-wear and models of clothing for specific purposes to luxury clothing, models for special occasions “haute couture” and conceptual avant-garde clothing.
The curriculum includes:
•    General education disciplines: “History of Kazakhstan”, “Cultural studies and psychology”, “Methods of scientific research”, “Sociology and political science”, etc.
•    Professional disciplines: “History of the development of the fashion and beauty industry”, “Fundamentals of costume composition”, “History of the luxury segment and heritage of brands”, “Creative thinking of the fashion industry”, “Design of exhibition activities”, “Design of garments”, “Design -design and modeling of forms of branded clothing”, “2D and 3D technologies in the fashion industry”, “Technology of garments”, “Advertising project of the Fashion industry”, “Brand management in the fashion industry”, etc.
•    Mastering programs: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, etc.
In addition to a rich academic program, students will enjoy active project activities with immersion in a professional environment and fashion shows, including at Fashion Week and Kazakhstan Fashion Week.

Kim Irina Stepanovna
master, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, member of the Shymkent Designers Association
Teacher of disciplines: Development of industrial collections, Design and modeling of forms of branded clothing, Costume composition.

Baitelieva Zhanar Eltanovna
senior teacher, master's degree, member of the Shymkent Designers Association
Teacher of disciplines: “Fashion Industry Advertising Project”, “Brand Management in the Fashion Industry”, “Fundamentals of Leadership and Entrepreneurship”, “Fashion Industry Advertising Project”.

Asilova Kammila Saidburkhanovna senior teacher, master's degree, fashion designer
Teacher of the disciplines “History of the development of the fashion and beauty industry”, “Design of garments”, “Working with materials”.
Practicing designer

Imankulova Maria Nuridinovna
teacher, master
Teacher of the disciplines “Drawing”, “Fundamentals of the fashion industry”, “Graphic design”.

Educational process
A practice-oriented approach, working on real rather than educational projects and consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice allows students to start their careers already in the learning process.
Training structure:
•    fundamental education combining innovative and traditional teaching methods
•    creating your own collections and regular participation in specialized competitions, exhibitions and fashion shows
•    work on projects of famous brands as part of business practice
•    open defenses and exhibitions of final and semester works in front of customers and external experts
•    regular lectures, master classes and trainings from representatives of Russian and foreign brands
As a result, already from the 2nd year students can:
•    combine study and professional work without compromising your education: get a part-time job or internship, work freelance or part-time
•    receive paid orders for projects and job offers
•    create your own collection
•    apply fashion illustration skills and collaborate with fashion publications
•    interning at fashion houses
•    create your own brand or project
Thus, by the time they graduate, students have real, multifaceted work experience in their specialty, a portfolio of completed projects, recommendations from employers and useful business connections with representatives of the business environment, which allows them, after graduation, to quickly integrate into professional activities and easily adapt to working conditions .
Graduate Diploma and Career
Upon successful completion of the training program and passing the final certification, the graduate receives a state diploma with the qualification of a bachelor in the field of study 6B07 “Design”, profile 6B072111 - “Fashion Industry”.
Thanks to a practice-oriented approach to training, long-term partnerships with more than 50 companies and brands, providing students with the opportunity to work on real projects and assistance in building a competitive portfolio, our graduates are successfully employed.
In addition, the Career and Employment Center provides active support to both graduates and students, which helps to establish effective communication between students and graduates directly with employers.

About profile 6B01403- Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing

The higher education program “Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing” is aimed at the education and formation of a comprehensively developed personality of the student, the formation of systematized knowledge in the fine arts, art education, artistic work and drawing. We are preparing a new generation of highly qualified, socially responsible specialists who are in demand both at the Kazakhstan and international levels.
The main task is to give the future specialist fundamental knowledge in the field of children's education at the modern scientific level - the organization of the pedagogical process in the fine arts, art education, artistic work and drawing, artistic and aesthetic direction.

Goal 6B01403 “Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing” - training of a teacher of fine arts and drawing with high-quality knowledge in the subject area; analytical, research and language skills; the ability for further continuous self-education and improvement of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; leadership qualities and innovative thinking.
In the process of mastering the EP “Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing” they will study the disciplines of general education, basic and major cycles. The disciplines studied are related to the updated content of the school curriculum in artistic work, graphics and design and serve to prepare a qualified, modern teacher.
Field of professional activity
-Secondary educational and specialized institutions (colleges, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.)
-Organizations of secondary special education, preschool education and all types of additional education organizations
-Individual entrepreneurial activity according to profile
-At industrial enterprises as an artist
-Work in creative and professional associations
-Educational and technological organizations
-Profile activities in advertising agencies
-Experimental and research activities in creative associations
-Commercial organizations

Areas of study:
•    conducting classes in general education organizations, organizations of technical and vocational education, organizations of additional education for children;
•    the selection and use of various forms and methods of education and training of students in extracurricular work in the fine arts, art education, artistic work and drawing;
•    use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process;
•    conducting pedagogical experiments with the introduction of their results into the educational process;
•    planning the content of the course in fine arts, artistic work and drawing at different stages of training.
About the profession
Graduates are able to organize the educational process in artistic work and special subjects, applying principles and new teaching technologies.
Where can you work:
•    art teacher;
•    technology teacher;
•    additional education teacher;
•    club teacher.


KSU "Comprehensive secondary school No. 11 named after A. Navoi" Department of Education of the city of Shymkent
"School-gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin"
Akdeniz University Akdeniz University, Antalya, Türkiye

Training program and practice
The training program “Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing” complies with Kazakhstan and international standards of higher education, and is also filled with unique proprietary methods.
Classes are held in specialized lecture rooms, classrooms, and dual education enterprises, equipped with everything necessary for work.
During the course of their studies, students develop creativity in organizing professional activities, demonstrate critical thinking and leadership qualities in teaching and communication, have the skills of a creative approach to learning, and are capable of setting goals for self-education and professional development.
The curriculum includes:
•    General education disciplines: “History of Kazakhstan”, “Cultural studies and psychology”, “Methods of scientific research”, “Sociology and political science”, etc.
•    Professional disciplines: “The art of felting felt products”, “Fundamentals of teaching fine arts”, “Artistic processing of materials”, “Composition by specialty”, “Industry materials science and technology of structural materials (by industry)”, “Material processing technology (by industries)", "Master of Industrial Training", "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation", etc.
In addition to a rich curriculum, students will be exposed to active project activities with immersion in a professional environment, capable of professional and pedagogical dialogue, and interaction with the professional teaching community and with people of different cultures.


Saparbaeva Uldanay Alibekovna
senior teacher, teacher of disciplines: Fundamentals of teaching fine arts, Methods of teaching fine arts, Organization of specialized training for students.

Dzhanpaizova Vasilya Mirzakhmedovna Ph.D., Associate Professor
Teacher of the disciplines: “Scientific research in vocational education”, “Cooking technology”, “History of art”, “Industrial materials science and technology of structural materials (by industry)”.

Asilova Kammila Saidburkhanovna master, senior teacher Teacher of the disciplines “Technology of sewing products”, “Working in materials”.

Educational process
A practice-oriented approach, working on real rather than educational projects and consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice allows students to start their careers already in the learning process.
Training structure:
•    fundamental education combining innovative and traditional teaching methods
•    application of theoretical and practical knowledge of fine arts, technology for creating products from sewing and construction materials for creative works and works
•    use scientific methods and techniques for researching pedagogical science, the entire socio-political cluster
Thus, by the time they graduate, students have real multilateral experience in their specialty, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process, conducting pedagogical experiments with the introduction of their results into the educational process, planning the content of a course in fine arts, artistic work and drawing at different stages of training, which allows them, after graduation, to quickly integrate into professional activities and easily adapt to working conditions.
Graduate Diploma and Career
Upon successful completion of the training program and passing the final certification, the graduate receives a state diploma with the qualification of bachelor in the field of study 6B014 Training of teachers with subject specialization of general development, profile 6B01403 Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing.
In addition, the Career and Employment Center provides active support to both graduates and students, which helps to establish effective communication between students and graduates directly with employers.

About profile 6B01402 - Training of music teachers

The higher education program “Training of Music Teachers” is aimed at educating and forming a comprehensively developed personality, competent music teachers with additional specialization should become a priority, as there is a demand for such specialists today in the domestic labor market. We are preparing a new generation of highly qualified, socially responsible specialists who are in demand both at the Kazakhstan and international levels.
The main task is to give the future specialist fundamental knowledge in the field of children's education at the modern scientific level - the formation of the student's musical culture, the process of its formation, the development of the breadth and socially significant orientation of personal musical and aesthetic taste.

Goal 6B01402 “Training of music teachers” - training of competitive teaching staff in the field of music education, adapted to the conditions of the modern labor market; training a qualified specialist of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in his profession, ready for constant professional growth.
In the process of mastering the EP “Training of Music Teachers”, students will demonstrate knowledge in the field of music education and show readiness to implement it in the formation of functional literacy of students, including the creation of a multilingual environment.
Field of professional activity
•    -Vocal teacher
•    -Solfeggio teacher
•    -Instrument teacher
•    -Chorusmaster (choir conductor)
•    -Vocal teacher for children with disabilities
•    -Accompanist

Areas of study:
•    conducting classes in general education organizations, organizations of technical and vocational education, organizations of additional education for children;
•    readiness to plan the educational process, carry out methodological work, analyze various pedagogical systems and methods, formulate one’s own pedagogical principles and teaching methods, using traditional and modern technologies and methods of education in the field of musical art;
•    use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process;
•    conducting pedagogical experiments with the introduction of their results into the educational process;
•    independently apply methods and means of cognition, training and self-control to acquire new knowledge and skills, including in new areas not directly related to the field of performing activities.
About the profession
Graduates are able to organize the educational process in music and special subjects, applying principles and new teaching technologies.
Where can you work:
•    music teacher at school;
•    teacher at a children's music school;
•    additional education teacher;
•    club teacher
•    teacher at a secondary vocational education institution
•    teacher in educational institutions of culture and art
•    teacher in specialized educational institutions.


KSU "Comprehensive secondary school No. 11 named after A. Navoi" Department of Education of the city of Shymkent
"School-gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin"
Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy
Akdeniz University Akdeniz University, Antalya, Türkiye

Training program and practice
The training program “Training of Music Teachers” complies with Kazakh and international standards of higher education, and is also filled with unique proprietary methods.
Classes are held in specialized lecture halls equipped with everything necessary for work.
During the course of training, students develop creativity in organizing professional activities, demonstrate critical thinking and leadership qualities in teaching and communication, have communicative and adaptive personal qualities, work and interact during the learning process in various creative situations.

The curriculum includes:
•    General education disciplines: “History of Kazakhstan”, “Cultural studies and psychology”, “Methods of scientific research”, “Sociology and political science”, etc.
•    Professional disciplines: “Performing skills of a music teacher (main musical instrument)”, “Solfeggio”, “Ethnosolfege”, “Theoretical foundations and methods of music education”, “Analysis of musical works”, “Basic musical instrument”, “Choral conducting”, “History and theory of music education at school”, etc.
In addition to a rich curriculum, students will be exposed to active project activities with immersion in a professional environment, capable of professional and pedagogical dialogue, and interaction with the professional teaching community and with people of different cultures.


Mazhitov Ulugbek Halmatovich
senior teacher, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "KR Madeniet Kairatkeri", "Honored Worker of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Teacher of disciplines: Choral class and workshop on working with a choir I (in Russian), Choral conducting I.

Kuzhagulova Gulnar Esenovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Teacher of the disciplines: “History of Foreign Music”, “Musical Psychology and Psychology of Music Education”, “Theoretical Foundations and Methods of Music Education”.

Tumanova Gulzada Askarkyzy senior lecturer
Teacher of the disciplines “Music Theory”, “Solfeggio”, “Ethnosolfege”.

Educational process
A practice-oriented approach, working on real rather than educational projects and consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice allows students to start their careers already in the learning process.
Training structure:
•    fundamental education combining innovative and traditional teaching methods
•    understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it
•    training of a teacher who understands the strategic goals of Kazakhstan’s music education, who is able to plan and design educational activities in accordance with the updated content of education
Thus, by the time they graduate, students have real multilateral experience in their specialty, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process, conducting pedagogical experiments with the introduction of their results into the educational process, the student’s musical culture, the process of its formation, the development of the breadth and socially significant orientation of personal musical and aesthetic taste and easily adapt to working conditions.
Graduate Diploma and Career
Upon successful completion of the training program and passing the final certification, the graduate receives a state diploma with the qualification of a bachelor in the field of study 6B014 Training of teachers with subject specialization of general development, profile 6B01402 - Training of music teachers.
In addition, the Career and Employment Center provides active support to both graduates and students, which helps to establish effective communication between students and graduates directly with employers.

Directions of the department's work

The department trains specialists in the educational program 6B01402-Training of music teachers.
The staff of the “Art” department is doing a lot of work to train qualified specialists and future singers and musicians working in the field of education and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Employees of the department carry out scientific and methodological work in the field of general music education and musicology. They also supervise students' research work. Almost all classes of the department are equipped with appropriate textbooks, visual aids, tools and furniture.
The employees of the department have at their disposal a rich fund of textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological complexes (Syllabus) on the credit technology system, methodological instructions for disciplines, collections of lectures, SRPT texts and electronic textbooks and other developed teaching aids.

All teachers of the department are engaged in creative activities and are laureates of republican, international, regional, and festivals at various levels.
There is also a collection of songs by Professor Bori Isa “December”, “Altyn Aimak Mekenim”, “Zhideli Baisyn”, “Merekelik Kuy”, “Sagynysh”, “Nauryz Toy”, “Zhenis Zholy”. from the repertoires of the world's leading orchestras.
The national instrumental orchestra "Zhetysai Sazy", which was first created as a folk orchestra, has been successfully working for the past 20 years with a joint group of students and teachers of the music education program of the university in Zhetysai.
All teachers of the Art department are members of the Zhetysai Sazy folk instrument orchestra. Members of the department take an active part in all events of the faculty, university and district.
Graduates of the educational program “Art” contribute to the development of education and science in Kazakhstan. In particular, Saltanat Kobeybekovna Akhtanova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, L.N. Eurasian National University named after. L.N. Gumileva, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge, and Zhoraeva Asiya Bakhadyrovna - cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the Shardara Music School. Tian Irina is a laureate of the International Spring Festival "Pyongyang" of the DPRK, the regional pop song competition of Erbol Kalmyrzaev "Arai", the pop song festival of Asel Myrzakhmedova "Myrzashol Awenderi".
Graduates of the educational program “Art” contribute to the development of education and science in Kazakhstan. All these achievements indicate that the department is developing in terms of creative knowledge.

The department trains specialists in the educational programs “6B01403-Artistic work and drawing” and “6B02101-Design”.
The department mainly trains teachers in the educational program “Training of Art and Drawing Teachers” and designers in the educational program “Design”.
Employees of the department conduct scientific and methodological work on these educational programs, and also supervise the research work of students. Employees of the department publish textbooks on subject programs, educational and methodological complexes (Syllabus) based on the credit technology system, electronic textbooks and other teaching aids being developed. Currently, the department has developed its own pedagogical tradition and is recognized as a qualified teaching staff, the material and technical base of which meets the requirements. Almost all classrooms of the department are equipped with appropriate textbooks, visual aids, furniture, there are 2 sewing workshops, 1 workshop.
The department’s staff is doing a lot of work to train qualified specialists and future artist-teachers working in the field of education and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All teachers of the department are engaged in creative work. The clubs “Skillful Hands”, “Palette”, “Professional Innovative Technological Skills”, “Decorative and Applied Arts in an Innovative Direction” create great opportunities for students to engage in creative activities.
It has become a tradition to hold annual creative evenings “Parade of Fashion and Songs” and the exhibition “Master of the Pen”.


Videos. Material and technical base of the department.

1. Educational program "Design"

2. Educational program for the training of teachers of art work and drawing

3. Music Teacher Education Program

4. Promotional video about the faculty

5. Promotional video about music education

6. Visual Arts and Design Promotional Video

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