Aralbayev Tabigat Maratuly
«Syrdarіya» University is a place of training of qualified specialists
Aralbayev Tabigat Maratuly - deputy director for methodology and teacher of biology in the municipal public institution "School-Gymnasium" №7 "Turan", located in Zhetysai, Zhetysai district, Turkestan region.
I am Aralbaev Tabigat Maratuly, born in 1994. In 2000, I graduated from the school with the best certificate in 2011. In the same year I entered the “Syrdariya” University, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, majoring in Biology.
During my school years, I participated in many events and achieved success. I received the rector's scholarship in the 1st year. As a member of the Debate Club “Jalyn”, I participated in all competitions within the district and won prizes.
I took the third place in the Republican Subject Olympiad at the Kazakh National University in Almaty. I am not mistaken in saying that the university has opened for me many opportunities and innovative directions.
The Department of Biology is directly connected with the Kazakh Cotton Institute, which has a lot of opportunities for internships in modern areas, equipped with modern equipment.
I graduated with honors in 2015 and in the same year was admitted to the school-gymnasium №7 Turan in Zhetysai as a teacher of biology.
Since then, I am proud of my colleagues that my university has a special place in my great achievements.
My achievements
- Winner of the competition "The best young teacher of the district"
- Winner of the competition "The best young teacher of the year"
- Participant of the project "100 new republican names"
- Winner of the first place in the festival "District pedagogical ideas"
- Winner of the third place in the competition of deputy district directors
- Absolute champion among students of "District Debate" tournaments
- My students took the third place in the competition "Regional Debate"
- Winner of the third place in the competition "Republican research projects"
- Winner of the second place in the Olympiad "District Teachers"
I am always proud and proud of the University where I studied.
Aralbayev Tabigat Maratuly, a graduate of “Syrdariya” University, majoring in Biology