Attention teachers and students!

In order to implement measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection on the territory of Syrdariya University, in the spring semester of 2021-2022, the educational process will be organized in the following order:
The educational process for students and undergraduates of 1-4 courses in all areas of training will be held from January 24, 2022 in a mixed format: lectures - online, applied seminars, practical and laboratory classes - traditional, in compliance with sanitary and social distance.
The internship takes place offline.
Students with medical indications and students at risk (pregnant, breastfeeding, etc.), based on the opinion of the attending physician, will continue distance learning based on the application.
Students with special educational needs continue their education in the distance learning format.
Students are required to comply with CEP standards and are required to wear masks in the classroom during the learning process as well as during class.