
Baibolov Kanat Seitzhanuly
Rector of the University named after Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev
candidate of technical sciences, professor
☎ Phone: +7 701 729 8896
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Area of responsibility: Management of educational and scientific activities of the university, ensuring the quality of training of students, compliance with the requirements of the law on education, state mandatory standards of higher and (or) postgraduate education and other regulatory documents.
Work experience
- from July 2022 to the present – Rector of the University named after Zh. Tashenev;
- from January 2020 to 2022. - First Vice-Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University named after Academician A. Kuatbekov;
- from 2018 to 2019 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Methodological Work of SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
- 2010-2018 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Information Technologies of SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
- 2009-2010 - Dean of the Faculty of Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport of SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
- 2007-2009 - Head of the Center for Postgraduate Training of SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
- 2005-2007 - Head of the Department of “Technology of Building Materials and Structures” of SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
- 2004-2005 - leading specialist of the employment service of the UMO SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
- 1995-2004 - teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor at the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology;
- 1990-1995 - Engineer of the Department of Architecture of Buildings and Structures of the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology.
- 2007 – Associate Professor, specialty “Construction”;
- 2004 –PhD, Candidate of Technical Sciences (L. Gumilev ENU);
- 2004-2006 – Bachelor of Economics from Almaty Economic University (second higher education);
- 1993-1997 - postgraduate student in the specialty "Construction" of the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology;
- 1983-1990 – construction engineer with a degree in Agricultural Construction at the Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute.
- 2011 – Awarded a jubilee medal for the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2011 - Awarded the badge “Honorary Education Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for special services in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2012 - Awarded a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2013 - Awarded the “Batyr Shapagat” medal named after. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly;
- 2013 - Awarded the badge of the trade union of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2013 - Awarded the anniversary medal “For the 70th anniversary of SKSU named after M. Auezov”;
- 2013 - Awarded the badge of the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2014 - Awarded a badge named after Y. Altynsarina;
- 2016 - Awarded the badge of the trade union of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2017 - Awarded Letters of Gratitude from Akim of Shymkent; Akim of South Kazakhstan region, Regional branch of the NurOtan party, Shymkent city maslikhat;
- 2017 - Awarded a diploma from the South Kazakhstan Regional Maslikhat.
- 2018 - Awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- 2018 - Awarded the anniversary medal of SKSU named after M. Auezov
- 2021 – Awarded a diploma from the Turkestan Regional Maslikhat.
Professional development Has more than 50 certificates at international and republican levels in the field of management in higher education in the following areas:
“Autonomy of universities as a mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of higher education in Kazakhstan”;
“Leaders of Universities in Higher Education” (National University of Singapore);
“Education of Kazakhstan on the way to European standards of quality assurance through accreditation of educational programs”;
“Problems of credit technology of education”;
“Kazakhstan credit model of the ECTS type”;
“Forum of Leaders of Eurasian Higher Education”;
“Changes and strategic processes in universities”;
Bologna process and modernization of higher education (University of Pisa (Italy));
“Design and development of educational programs of engineering and technical profile based on competencies and learning outcomes”;
“Problems of implementing ECTS in the educational process.”
“Curriculumdesign” Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan.
Academic teaching and advising
Main courses taught: Architectural Physics, Civil and Industrial Architecture, Building Architecture and Urban Planning, Geotechnical Engineering
Management of postgraduate students (1 candidate of technical sciences, 3 doctor PhD), masters students (10), certified specialists (more than 100).
Member of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Member of the Council of the UMO RUMS MES RK at KazNU named after. al-Farabi;
Member of the EMS of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of SKSU named after. M. Auezova;
National expert of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education;
Full member of the International Academy of Informatization;
Member of the editorial board of the Republican scientific journal “Scientific Works of SKSU”;
Corresponding member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Main publications Prepared and published more than 200 scientific and methodological works. Of these, 1 monograph, 5 textbooks, 9 study guides, 1 electronic textbook, 8 scientific articles in journals with an impact factor in indexed journals of the Thomson Reuters, Scopus databases.
Main research projects (with external funding)
5 copyright certificates, 4 certificates of state registration of rights to an object of copyright, executor in 7 grant projects, 15 acts of implementation of research results into production.
Reception days for personal matters: Tuesday, Thursday 11:00-13:00.
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