Bekibayeva Didara Anuarkyzy

Sphere of responsibility:    Teacher of the Department of «Economics and Law»
Work experience:    1 year

•    2016-2020, M. Auezov SKSU, Bachelor's degree in Finance 
•    2020-2022, M. Auezov SKU, Master's degree in Finance

Professional development:    

1.    From November 7 to November 21, 2022, completed a 72-hour course on " Технологии организации дистанционного обучения ".
2.    From May 8 to May 19, 2023, completed a 72-hour course " Современные бизнес-технологии в экономике, финансах, учете и аудите".

Main publications:    

1.    Streamline of financial policy of commercial banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Transactions of M.Auezov SKSU. №2(50). Shymkent, 2019. p. 66-71.
2.    Екінші деңгейлі банктердің тәуекел-менеджментін басқару мәселелері. Proceedings International Scientific-Practical Conference «Auezov Readings – 19: 30 Years Of Independence Of Kazakhstan» – Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2021, p. 240-243. 
3.    Theoretical principles of the risk Management system of second-tier banks in Modern conditions. Proceedings of CXIV international scientific-practical conference, «Innovative Approaches in the Modern Science», №6(114), Moscow 2022, p. 106-110.
4.    Екінші деңгейлі банктердің тәуекелдерін қадағалаудағы базель келісімінің рөлі. Proceedings international scientific-practical conference "Auezov readings–21: new Kazakhstan – the future of the country" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University – Shymkent, 2023, p. 119-121.
5.    Перспективы развития возобновляемых источников энергии в Казахстане. Prospects for the Development of Modern Science, Materials of the VIII International Scientific-Practical Conference, Volume I, Goyang (Korea), March 8-10, 2023, p. 232-238.
6.    Аймақта халықтың табыстарын талдау және болжау. Prospects for the Development of Modern Science, Materials of the VIII International Scientific-Practical Conference, Volume I, Goyang (Korea), March 8-10, 2023, p. 250-254.
7.    Өндіріс экономикасы және ұйымдастыру. Textbook, Publishing house "GOLDYES", Shymkent 2023, 200 p.