Alipbaev Turar Nazarovich
Name: Alipbaev Turar Nazarovich
Education: higher.
Academic degree: senior lecturer.
Professional specialty: Informatics
Phone: 8(72534) 6-20-08
Disciplines: Operating Systems, Application Package, Digital Circuitry.
Work experience in the institution: 17
3. Academic experience: 35 years.
4. Non-academic experience: 7 years.
5. Certificate of professional accounting or advanced training, indicating the period: "Organization of inclusive education (6В015 in the field of training teachers of natural sciences)", Caspian State Technical University named after Sh.Yessenov, 72 hours, certificate No. 001233, 10/25/2019
6. Member of a professional organization: no
7. Awards and prizes: Awarded for achievements and contribution to education in the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan, Astana, 2018
8. Activities in the service sector: no.
9. Topics of the most important publications and presentations for the last 5 years, in which the authors were published (if any), the date of publication and presentation.
1. "The place of electronic technology for enhancing the process of training university students", Bulletin of the Tajik Pedagogical University named after S. Aini in the Republic of Tajikistan, 2019
2. "The place of electronic technology for enhancing the process of training university students", Bulletin of the Tajik Pedagogical University named after S. Aini in the Republic of Tajikistan, 2016
3. "The use of information technology as a means of solving theoretical and practical problems in the university", Conference "Modern problems of teaching mathematics, physics and information science in secondary and higher schools", 2016
10. A short list of professional, research and development work, authorship or co-authorship in research projects: no
11. Additional information on important aspects of the service not indicated in the resume: no