Asilova Kammila Saidburhanova

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Art and Design
Graduated from the Kh.A.Yassavi (2005) ГМКТУ with a degree in Fashion Design, Bachelor of Design.
Master of Arts (07/01/2014) - Shymkent, specialty "Design" 
In 2000 graduated from the 4-year courses "Cutting and sewing" at the Chirchik garrison House of Officers. Qualification - cutting and sewing instructor (Diploma)
In 2001, qualified as a computer operator (Diploma)

Baktybayeva Tolganay Polatbekovna

2016:    «Shymkent» university,  foreign language:two foreign languages
2019:    Master of pedagogical sciences, foreign language:two foreign languages
Work experience:
Academic: 5 years 
Work in this organization 
2019 until now:    Teacher of foreign language of the Department of «English Linguistics» 
Courses taught      1.Professional-oriented foreign language 5В011900- foreign language:two foreign languages
    2.Contemporary English Language 6B01730 foreign language:two foreign languages

Language is an immeasurable treasure, a vast world.

Although the language is not broad, it is not lacking, on October 17, 2022, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi organized the International Uzbek Language and Literature Online Subject Olympiad among foreign students of higher education institutions. held at a high level.

Good news!

Tashenev University has begun to cooperate with the world's most famous Hebrew University of Jerusalem on educational programs.

"One step to the dream with Taiburyl!"

Marzhan Saktaganova and Aknur Zhumashova, students of the 1 and 4 course of the "Kazakh language and literature" educational program of the University named after Z.Tashenev, became the winners of the grant given within the "Education Support" program of the public association "TAIBURYL". We are happy to say that our students achieved great success in this competition held within the framework of the charity program "Kazakhstan People's Education Grants".

Visiting our university!

In his address to the nation on the first day of the academic year, the head of state paid special attention to the future of the country, youth and education. One of the important issues is the education system, which plays a very important role in improving the quality of the nation, he said, highlighting the support provided to the young generation from the state's point of view.


«ЖАСҒАЛЫМ» ЖОБАСЫ бойынша жас ғалымдардың зерттеулеріне гранттық қаржыландыру