Internship Conference
On January 24, 2022, an online conference dedicated to the internship was held with the 4th year students of the Syrdariya University on the ZOOM platform.
The conference on professional practice was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Myrzabay Baltabayevich Meirbekov, who expressed his best wishes to the students.
Teacher of "Kazakh language and literature", candidate of philological sciences Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna, head of the department "Jurisprudence", candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Yntymakov Sovetzhan Argynbaevich, head of the department "Art", associate professor Saparbayeva Uldanai Alibekovna. Tashtauova Zhanar Khandildaevna shared her many years of experience and told the students what a student needs to know from the moment they enter the school, until the moment of its formation and adaptation as a school teacher.
The order to conduct professional practice was highlighted by the head of professional practice Kulayna Alikulovna.
On December 27, 2021, by order of the rector No. 255, 360 4th year students were sent to practice, 173 of them were sent to the city, and the rest were sent to their villages based on applications for 187 future jobs.
The online conference was held in an offline format.