The winding roads of Alash
The Department of "History of the Fatherland and Abroad" organized a round table on "The struggle of Alash activists in the interests of the nation." The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor M.B. Meirbekov, head of the department "Educational Technologies" K.A. Isaeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor T.I. Kokumbayeva., The head of the department "English language" M.M. Islamova and the teaching staff of the department and the enthusiastic youth.
The purpose of the event: to show the formation of the Alash movement and the Alash party, the decline of the interim government and the revival of the idea of a nation-state, the political situation in Kazakhstan during political tensions in public life, the actions and results of national intellectuals. awakening a sense of patriotism.
During the event, students, in particular: Orazbay Erzhigit, Alimbay Kulanda, Perdekhan Abzal, Saipov Rakhymbek, Esirkepova Aruzhan, Ermek Zhansulu revived the memory of the audience by glorifying the creation and destiny of the Alash autonomy, the heroism and hard work of national leaders. At the end of the event, the audience expressed their gratitude and gratitude for the opportunity to enrich the rich historical information.