An honest and just generation is the future of our country
Syrdarіya University, Faculty of Sports and Arts held a mentoring lesson "Honest and just generation - the future of our country" with students of the educational program 6B01601 - "Design".
Objective: To teach students to analyze and fight corruption, to be honest and fair.
Corruption is a global epidemic. In order to prevent this epidemic in the future, it is necessary to involve the whole country.
Torekul Ayazhan, a student of Diz-11 group, made a report on "Anti-corruption" and noted that the students of Syrdarіya University are against corruption. During the lesson, a group project was organized, followed by a quiz and students shared their thoughts and poems.
The mentor of the group said that the educational hour was good and all students took an active part, and today's lesson was assessed as very good.
Anti-corruption is one of the main priorities in the strategic development of the country.
Much depends on the active participation of the whole society in the fight against corruption.
Restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, elimination of the harmful effects of corruption and crime, their prevention and the fight against corruption within the competence of all government agencies and officials, ie the fight against corruption is a common task.