It is not for nothing that the day of celebration was approved on April 12th. On this day, Kanysh Satbaev, a Kazakh academician, geologist, and first president of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, was born. On this significant day, the international scientific and theoretical conference “Domestic Science: Current Positions and Current Issues of Interdisciplinary Research” was held at the Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University.
During the conference, the General Director of the Feydey International School Georgy Nodarovich Makhviladze, the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management of Osh State University Timur Murzabekovich Israilov, the Head of the Department of Biology and Soil Science of the Uzbek National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek in Tashkent Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhabborov Zafar Abdukarimovich online in During the conference, he congratulated the university staff on Science Day and expressed warm wishes. Chief researcher at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Valikhanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kudaibergenova Aizhamal Ibragimovina read information about the life and work of K. Satbaev from archival documents. At the end of the speech, the rector of the university K.S. Baibolov congratulated all scientists on Science Day and concluded the conference.