BAYNEEVA PARIDA TURGYNBAEVNA, vice-rector, associate professor of educational methodical work, was awarded the Baitursynov gold medal of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Parida Turgynbaevna, we sincerely congratulate you on your next award!
Arzymbetova Sholpan Zhaksylykyvna, vice-rector for scientific and research work of our university, doctor of pedagogic sciences, was awarded with a letter of thanks from the council of Turkestan region.
Dear Sholpan Zhaksylikovna!
Devoting your life to the field of education and science, pedagogy, educating the next generation, becoming an example to the younger generation, you are making a significant contribution to the creation of the cultural, spiritual and scientific potential of the university today.
We wish you great success in your work to increase the interest of scientists and educators in science, your active position and all your initiatives in the direction of the development of the field of education!