Conditions for students...
As you know, our university has recently moved to Konaev Avenue, in the center of the third metropolis. The building, located in the center of Shymkent, is equipped according to modern requirements. School graduates of the city come to the educational institution, which has all the conditions for students, and get acquainted with the material base of the university and the teaching staff.
In the course of getting acquainted with the educational building, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work of the University Farida Baineeva and Vice-Rector for Social Work and Educational Work Galymzhan Bitursyn noted the base of the educational institution, its uniqueness and potential from other private universities. “Tashenev University is an innovative educational institution of New Kazakhstan, which has developed a development strategy for the next 5 years. The main requirement of the leadership of the educational institution is, first of all, the creation of conditions for students. The university has expanded cooperation with prestigious foreign educational institutions. We recently signed an agreement with the National University of Athens, Greece, with 99,000 students, the most prestigious university in the world. In addition, we have also established relationships with the largest agricultural educational institution in Jerusalem. It is planned to open free language courses for students wishing to obtain a double degree. Here they study the language and go to study abroad. Thus, the student will receive a diploma from our and foreign educational institutions,” said Farida Turgunbaevna.
The educational institution has more than 41 types of specialties, including 2 educational buildings and a hostel for 1200 people.
About 100 graduates of educational institutions No. 3, 11, 12, 13, 52, 107, 109 and 104 of the city got acquainted with the classrooms and the material and technical base of the educational building. So, from May 15 to May 19, graduates of the city's schools will take part in the Day of Open Doors held at the university.