"My profession is my pride"
On the 20th of April there was an interview evening "My profession is my pride" with the participation of 9th and 11th grade students and their parents from secondary schools in Zhetysai.
Rector of the University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor SS Dairbekov told the graduates about the changes in the rules of educational grants and admission to the university in the new academic year. He explained that it is necessary to pay attention and wished good luck.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor LU Abenova, speaking about the activities of the University "Syrdariya" in the implementation of educational programs, paid special attention to the specialty "Kazakh language and literature": "Kazakh language is, first of all, the state language," literature - "The thoughts of the scholars of the past and the end of the human mind, the embroidered phrases and expressions of the masters of the art of speech." He also introduced the professional features of the profession, the life of professors and students of the department "Kazakh language and literature" through videos.
G.Kalzhanova, the director of "Turan" school, noted that at present applicants "choose professions that do not correspond to their abilities and make mistakes", noting the importance of career guidance in guiding them. Today, working closely with the university, he said that it is one of the facilities that is witnessing the development of the university, and said that about 15 graduates work in the school.
Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee BS Tokmurzayev acquainted the applicants with the rules of admission to the university in the new academic year and answered questions from graduates and parents. At the same time, NS Fayziev explained the specialties of Zhetysai Multidisciplinary College opened at the university.
The event ended with a concert program. The concert, organized by students, featured songs, dances and humorous performances of young performers.