University professor Kudaibergen Zhidebayev is 80 years old
On October 20, 2017, an evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor of the University "Syrdariya", Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kudaibergen Zhidebayevich was held.
University staff and students took part in the anniversary of the scientist, who devoted his life to education, enlightenment and scientific research.
A video about K. Zhidebayev's teaching career, scientific works and family life was shown at the anniversary party. The head of the department, PhDs Murat Nurbek and Orynbay Adilbek, paid tribute to the teacher with the song "Teacher".
Rector of the University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor SS Dairbekov congratulated the university professor on the anniversary: “You have contributed to the development of the university and society by performing the most interesting and difficult areas of activity in education. In addition to your pedagogical career at the University "Syrdarya", you held responsible positions as dean of the faculty, scientific secretary, and until yesterday you headed the department. The specialties prepared by the department under your management have been successfully accredited by the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
... Happy New Year at the age of eighty! We wish you good health, well-being of your family, success and prosperity! ”
After the rector's congratulations, 2nd year students of the Kazakh language and literature Daniyarovich Abylai, Kaldykhanova Zhanar, 1st year student Kadyr Aiman sang poems dedicated to the teacher, and the song "Teacher" performed by Boranbay Bekzat enlivened the anniversary party.
In addition, Doctor of Economics, Professor Begim Serikov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs SD Mamraimov, Scientific Secretary L.U. Abenova, Professor Bori Isa, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zh. Asabayev congratulated Kudaibergen Zhidebayev on his birthday and recalled the interesting stories of his teacher, scientist and colleague.
Congratulating the 80-year-old university professor on his new age, we wish him good health and well-being to his family!
Video, link: