Syrdarіya University, which has a history of almost a quarter of a century, today has become a large family with modern material and technical base, educational and methodological resources, full scientific potential, education, training, coaching, training of professionals.
Graduates of Syrdarіya University, including the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" - from Akbayan Saparbayeva (editor of the program "Ayaly Alakan" of the national TV channel "Kazakhstan", producer, host of the social TV magazine "Zhan Zhyluy" since 2009), Nur- Correspondents of "ASTANA TV" in Sultan Asylbek Daniyar (since 2019), Bekbolat Satuov (since 2021) are statesmen, patriots, patriots, citizens with high civic patriotism.
We are proud of such graduates.
One of them is a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Nurzhigit Amanov, winner of the Grand Prix of the competition "Teacher of the Year in Almaty". Amanov Nurzhigit won the Grand Prix in the competition "Teacher of the Year of Almaty" in 2021 and received the keys to a two-room apartment from the mayor of Almaty Bakytzhan Sagintayev. He was the best out of 31 teachers selected in the city. The staff of the university and the teaching staff of the department "Kazakh language and literature" sincerely congratulate the best student!
From 2008 to 2012 Nurzhigit studied at the Syrdarya University, majoring in Kazakh language and literature. He is currently a 2nd year undergraduate in the master's department of this specialty.
The department of "Kazakh language and literature" trains specialists in several educational programs. In the field of Kazakh language and literature, priority is given to such aspects as traditional journalism, public relations. Our graduates, imbued with the sacred native language and literature, rich in spiritual nourishment, prove themselves as qualified teachers, serve the national ideals and national goals. So, I went to our university, random people do not come.
The result is our graduates. Nurzhigit's inquisitiveness and demandingness were evident even when he was a student. He took part in republican competitions and subject Olympiads and won prizes for his work on rural themes.
According to Nurzhigit, the teacher is the owner of 45 minutes. That is why the teacher has the responsibility.
Currently, Nurzhigit Amanov works as a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature at the лиц39 specialized lyceum named after the famous director Sultanakhmet Kozhikov in Almaty.
Nurzhigit, who was named "Teacher of the Year in Almaty", dedicates 5 minutes of each lesson to Abai. Nurzhigit's love for Abai was formed while he was at the university. The center "Abai Studies" opened at the department shines in the hearts of every student and helps them to become qualified professionals. Nurzhigit, a researcher and innovator, also developed the digital education technology "New Generation".
Referring to Nurzhigit's goal in developing the "New Generation" digital educational technology, he said that the ability of modern students to receive knowledge is different than in the past. Children need a special world that they can immediately accept and receive. It is an information technology that improves the relationship between student and teacher in education. The perception of modern students is different than in the past.
This is the educational formula of digital educational technology FSA + TTT = F. Based on the formula "New generation". "New generation" - every lesson taught through the digital education project should be interesting, challenging and valuable. Taste, knowledge, ability to analyze. If a student has these 6 abilities, then the child becomes a person with functional literacy. Today we use this educational technology in schools.
However, we, the teachers, do not give up on the past, saying that "this is innovation", "this is renewal". Although innovation in education meets international standards, our methods of education must meet the standards established by our ancestors over the centuries. Only then will the Kazakh nation not remain in the flow of different civilizations, but preserve its identity.
Nurzhigit, who studied Abai as a child and took spiritual nourishment, created the project "Abai's World". Abai's works and poems are also included in the school curriculum.
Nurzhigit Amanov considers Abai's 17 black words as a life principle. The teacher believes that the heart should always be full of love and the soul should be pure. This purity plays a special role in nurturing the student, instilling in him good qualities, and guiding him in the spirit of education and morality.
All human qualities come from the heart. A true teacher can understand and nurture a child's soul. And in order to feed the soul, his soul must be as pure as water, and the soul of Nurzhigit, who won a great victory, drank with the teachings of Abai.
Nurzhigit's achievements in the field of education, upbringing, science are significant: the author of 10 scientific articles, 1 author's program, 3 manuals, about 35 articles; Editor-in-chief of the republican information-methodical magazine "Mezet"; Author of digital education technology "New generation" (https: //; Head of Aldaspan Children's Theater; III place winner of the city competition "The best teacher" (2020); Winner of the city competition "Panorama of Pedagogical Technologies" (2020); Winner of the first place in the city competition "From Abai to Abai" (2020); Winner of the II place in the city competition "World of Abay" (2020); Winner of the first place in the republican competition "The best lesson plan" (2020); Awarded with a letter of thanks from the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan AR Raimkulova (2019); Founder of the museum named after SA Kozhikov; author of the modern hall "Abai's world"; Winner of the International Pedagogical Olympiad "Gifted children - a talented teacher"; author of the project on the YouTube channel "RENEWAL AND LITERATURE" in order to engage students in reading fiction (YouTube channel Amanov Nurzhigit); Pupils are winners of international and republican scientific projects, Olympiads.
Graduates of the department of "Kazakh language and literature" of "Syrdarya" University, formed as a journalist, a qualified specialist, a teacher who loves the motherland, the country, the land, speaks for the people, mourns the loss of the nation, instills national consciousness in every young person.
Abenova Lyazzat Usmanovna
Scientific Secretary of Syrdarіya University,
Faculty of Philology and Humanities, Acting Associate Professor,
Candidate of Philological Sciences