On November 15, 2023, a meeting was held with the secretary of the "AMANAT" party, Sholpan Tanatkyny Karinova, who came to the holy Turkestan region on a working visit. Lazzat Usmanovna, Scientific Secretary of J.A. Tashenev University, participated in the meeting among the delegation of women in the category of well-known, influential, public activists of Turkestan region.
The meeting was chaired by Altynsary Duysenbekuly Umbetaliyev, the chairman of the Turkestan regional branch of the "AMANAT" party, the leader of the faction in the regional maslikhat. According to the agenda of the active meeting, Beysenbay Dauletuli Tazhibaev, deputy akim of Turkestan region, deputy chairman of Turkestan regional branch of "AMANAT" party, deputy of regional maslikhat Kalyma Zhantoreeva, rector of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A.Yasaui, deputy of regional maslikhat Zhanar Amangeldikyny Temirbekova, .p. He expressed his views on measures to support women in science, protection of the rights of mothers and children, and creation of conditions for comprehensive development of women citizens.
The meeting supported the initiative of the "AMANAT" party to expand the active participation of women citizens in public administration and the creation of an inclusive society and gender parity, and discussed the issues of promoting the role of women in society within the framework of the new political culture of Kazakhstan.
During the meeting, Lazzat Usmanovyna Abenova, Scientific Secretary of J.A. Tashenev University, as a participating delegate, expressed her opinion and exchanged opinions on issues that concern the society: the value of family, education of girls - the future of the nation.