The Department of Languages and Literature at the Zhumabek Akhmetuliy Tashenev University organized an essay competition for schoolchildren “Tau Tulgaly Tashenev”.
Purpose of the competition:
- teach students to respect issues of national culture, language and religion in the formation of leadership ideas, in the development of spiritual values, in the formation of personality.
- participation in the development of the student’s creative abilities; teach the ability to express thoughts clearly and competently;
- identifying and rewarding talented students.
In an essay dedicated to J.A. Tashenev is written about his life and character, his work for the country.
15 essays were submitted for the competition among students in grades 7-10 of the State Secondary School named after Zh. Tashenov in Arys. As a result, 7 students became winners:
10th grade student Meshtay Aishagul – main prize;
eighth-grader Abulkhair Asiya – 1st place;
10th grade student Amanova Zere – 2nd place;
9th grade student Tolebek Erkenaz – 2nd place;
8th grade student Kilybay Korkemai – 3rd place;
9th grade student Baskaraeva Alua – 3rd place;
8th grade student Shyrynbek Ayaulym – 3rd place;
Congratulating our winners on their prizes, we wish them good luck.
Leaders: Zhunisova Perizat, Utkelbaeva Gulzhakhan.