The museum of Syrdarіya University is on the stage of history
It is time for the brave sons of our country to uphold the dignity of our nation, to go through many narrow and slippery roads, to fulfill the legacy of the previous generations, to unite all, to raise the blue flag of our country and to announce to the world that Kazakhstan is rebuilt.
Our first President NA Nazarbayev, together with the mighty people, who value every minute, analyze every second, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite, unite The forearm began to swell.
In order to gather the best of the country, to revive the historical consciousness, to revive the historical consciousness, the President announced a number of charters that will make a significant contribution to the growth and prosperity of our nation. Each charter for the potential of the Kazakh people soon began to show positive results. It is true that the result of the charters will be a shield and national pride that will save our nation from spiritual poverty, no matter how long it takes. One of such charters was reflected in the article of the first President NA Nazarbayev "Cultural Heritage", "Spiritual Revival: Orientation to the Future" in the draft program "Homeland" and "Geography of the Holy Lands of Kazakhstan." As part of the project, high-spirited dignitaries traveled around the country on a historic trip. Valuable research work on the modernization of the country's history began to consider medieval cities and settlements in the Myrzashol region and its environs, mausoleums and historical sites of saints. In this regard, the opening of the medieval city of Utyrly (Utyrtobe), which made a huge contribution to the revival of our historical memory. This historic event took place thanks to great people who showed their patriotism and instilled a sense of patriotism in their chests. In particular, professors of the Department of Homeland and Foreign History of the Syrdariya University in Zhetysai district of Turkestan region, who first paid attention to this medieval city in the post-independence period, began to study it. At the request of Apasheva and MB Meirbekov, the university allocated funds to the medieval city of Uturtobe and invited professional archaeologists to conduct archaeological research.
In addition, the most valuable artifacts found during archeological excavations (arrowheads, spearheads, jugs, jugs, etc.) are stored in the museum of the Syrdariya University as an indisputable evidence of the deep history of the country. Any patriot who wants to get acquainted with the history of the country can come to the University "Syrdariya", which provides higher education to young people in remote areas, and learn about the secrets of history. However, as the saying goes, "it is better to see once than to hear a thousand times", only the participants of the archeological expedition can feel the joy of finding valuable artifacts during the excavations. In addition, during the excavations, professors tell about historical and interesting events and try not to waste any time. I would like to thank all the teachers for their hard work in educating and educating young people. Undoubtedly, students who are able to absorb the knowledge and skills of well-educated and qualified professors will be a strong stepping stone to a better future.