There was a discussion among first-year students of the Faculty of Sports and Arts on the topic "Greeting - a sign of politeness and kindness." Our goal is to form human qualities by developing the skills of students in moral education, focusing on moral education, including the importance of the first etiquette of greeting.
Students of the educational program 6B01403 - Training of teachers of art and drawing, 6B02101 - Design, 6B01402 - Training of music teachers shared their thoughts. Etiquette and culture begin with greetings. The purpose of the greeting is, first of all, to recognize the image of a person, to observe his nature, to know his mood and to express his wishes through wishes, to be happy that they are safe and sound, to express their sincere intentions.
For example, a visitor should greet people of all ages. Greeting is one of the most honorable forms of national greeting for men. Young people shake hands, back and shoulders.
"It's not hard to find a word, it's hard to find a mother," says the poet Zhambyl. So, this is probably the mother of words - a greeting. Greetings!