Kenjebekova Rabiga Ibrakhimovna

Academic degree    Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician.
Education: higher education
1979 – 1984 y. -   Shymkent, Pedagogical Institute, Teacher of Mathematics.
2004 y.    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
2011 y.    Associate Professor.
2017 y.    Corresponding Member of the Kazakh Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.
2018 y.    Professor in Pedagogy.
2018 y.    Academician of the Kazakh Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

Work experience: 52 years.
Academic: 44 years.
1984 – 1988 у.    Teacher in a school.
1989 – 1991 у.    Deputy Director for Educational and Teaching Work at the School-Gymnasium No. 65 named after Ы. Алтынсарин in the Enbekshinsky district of Shymkent.
1993 – 1994 у.    Laboratory Assistant at the Department of "Informatics and Mathematics" of Chymkent Pedagogical Institute.
1994 – 2008 у.    South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov: Mathematics Teacher, Senior Lecturer, Acting Associate Professor.
2008 – 2015 у.    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Theory and Methodology of Primary Education" of South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University.
2015 – 2016 у.    Head of the Department of "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education", Silkway International University.
2018 – 2022 у.    Miras University, Professor of the "Pedagogy and Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, and Informatics" sector.
2022 – 2024 у.    Professor at South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Ө. Jänibekov.
2024 у.    Professor of the Department of "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education" at Zh. A. Tashenev University.
Subjects taught:
Fundamentals of the Primary Mathematics Course
Methodology of Teaching Computer Science
Conceptual Foundations of Mathematical Education
Professional development
12.04.2021 y.
    Completed a professional development course of 72 academic hours on "Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Primary Education" at the "ҒАЛЫМНУР" Center for Professional Development and Continuing Education. 
23.11.2021 y.
    Participated in a professional development course on "Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Specialized Methodological Subjects" at the "TURAN" Center for Professional Development (72 academic hours). Certificate No. 052. 
06.11.2022 y.    Enhanced qualification in "Innovative Approaches in Quality Education" at the course organized by Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Certificate No. 009123. 
20.06.2022 y.
     Enhanced qualification in "Mathematical Analysis in Pedagogical Research" at the Center for Economic and Civic Education "Intellect" (72 academic hours). Certificate No. 2/102. 
27.09.2024  y.
    Participated in a professional development course on "Inclusive Education and Organizing Teaching" at the Republican "" Center (72 academic hours). Certificate No. 0602. 
20.01.2024  y.
    Participated in a professional development course on "Mathematical Methods of Data Processing in Pedagogical Research" at the "TURAN" Center for Professional Development (144 academic hours). Certificate No. ИК7794231.
Scientific Publications:
1. 2020 Rabiga I. Kenzhebekova, Saule S. Kozhageldieva, Kulahmet Moldabek, Louise A. Rizaeva, Kenzhegul U. Kazybayeva// Formation of Learning Research Skills Through Solving Arithmetic Problems Systematic Reviews Pharmacy 2020;11(10): 698-705
2. 2019 Balalar oyiny arkily zhasalyngan tuzhyrymdar// Kazakstann gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym -kopshilik magazine No. 1 (73)2019 zhyl, B.128- 129. Astana (Kenzhebekova R.I., Kazykhan A.K.) 
3. 2019 Bastauysh synyptyn matematika sabaktarynda okushylardyn tanym kabileti arttyru// Kazakstann gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym -kopshilik journal No. 1 (73) 2019 , Astana, B.125-127(Kenzhebekova R.I., Zhailau G.A.)
4. 2019. Bastauysh mektep mgalimin synyptan thousand okytudy uyymdastyrudy zhetildiru // Kazakstann gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym - kopshilik magazine No. 1 (73) 2019 , Astana, B.122-124(Kenzhebekova R.I., Baibala M.T.) 2019. 
5. Synyptan thousand zhumystarda okushylardyn matematikaga kyzygushylygyn arttyru // Kazakhstan gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym - kopshilik journal No. 1 (73) 2019, Astana, B.106-108(Kenzhebekova R.I., Zhidebaeva A., Zhailymysova E.A.)
6. 2019. Bastauysh mektepte yesepterdi sheshuge okytudyn keybir adis- tasilderi// Kazakstann gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym -kopshilik magazine No. 1 (73)2019 zhyl, Astana B.103-105(Kenzhebekova R.I., Rizayeva L.A.) 
7. 2020. Matindik yesep onymen zhumys isteu adis-tasilderi // Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan No. 2 (88), 2019 zhyl, Almaty. B.19-22 (Kenzhebekova R.I., Rakhymbek D., Rizayeva L.A.)
8. 2020. Bastauysh synyp okushylarynda zertteu dagdylaryn kalyptastru kuraldary //Kazakstann gylymy men omiri No.12/3 (149) 2020 164-168 (Kenzhebekova R.I., Rizayeva L.A.) 
9. 2020. Ulttyk dunietanymdy kalyptastyruda okytylatyn kubylystar men protester //Kazakstan gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym - kopshilik journal No. 3/4 2020 zhyl, Astana,B.222-225, (Kenzhebekova R.I., Rakhimkulov S. S., Aituova A. Sh.)
10. 2020. Matematikadan praktik mazmundy yesepterdi shygarudyn yerekshelikter //Kazakstann gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym -kopshilik journal No. 3/4 2020 zhyl, Astana, B.238-241(Kenzhebekova R.I., Musa K. O., Sailau M. N.) 
11. 2020. Bastauysh synyp okushylaryna ekonomikalyk tarbiye berudin keybir zholdary.//Kazakhstan gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym -kopshilik magazine No. 3/4 2020 zhyl, Astana, B.242-245 (Kenzhebekova R.I., Dzhamankuzova V. Zh., Zhailymysova G.A.)
12. 2020. Damyta okytu: maselenin koyluy, zertelui //Kazakhstan gylymy men omiri Halykaralyk gylym -kopshilik magazine No. 3/4 2020 zhyl, Astana, B.246-249 (Kenzhebekova R.I., Kaldybaev S. K., Rizayeva L. A.) 
13. 2021 K.Moldabek, R.I.Kenzhebekova Akparattyk technologiyalar arkily okushylardyn soyleu dagdysyn kalyptastru// Toraigyrov universitetin gylym Khabarshysy magazine, Pedagogikalyk seriyasy ISSN 2710-2661 No. 3 (2021) Pavlodar 139-149better. 
14. 2021 Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R. I., Serikbayeva A.S., Kozhamuratova A. Sh. Okushylardyn soyleu dagdysyn akparattyk technologiyalar arkily zhetildiru // Proceedings of the XVIII Halykaralyk vdecko - practical conference "Scientific progress at the turn of tysyachalety", volume 7 : – Prague. 2021. 22-30 mamyr-60-63 bet. 
15. 2021 Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R. I., Amantai G.N. Ways of using information and innovative technologies in the formation of oral speech skills of primary school students.// "Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century" atta IX Halykaralyk gylymitazhiribelik conference zhinagi. Series "Pedagogical Sciences" Volume I, Nur-Sultan – 2021, 81 bet.
New scientific developments:
1. 2020 Kenzhebekova R.I.,Moldabek K., Bastauysh synypematikasynan synyptan thousand zhumystar: theory of mathematics -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-124 b.
2. 2020 Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R.I., Rizayeva L.A., Zhorabekova A., Rakhimkulov Sh.S. Bastauysh synyp okushylarynn kazaksha-orysha -agylshynsha mozdigi 1-bolim -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-332b.
3. 2020. Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R.I., Rizayeva L.A., Zhorabekova A., Rakhimkulov S.S. Bastauysh synyp okushylarynn kazaksha-oryssha -agylshynsha mozdigi 2-bolim -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-362b.
4. 2020. Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R.I., Rizayeva L.A., Zhorabekova A., Rakhimkulov S.S. Bastauysh synyp okushylarynn kazaksha-oryssha -agylshynsha mozdigi 3-bolim -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-257b.
5. 2020 Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R.I., Rizayeva L.A., Zhorabekova A., Rakhimkulov Sh.S. Bastauysh synyp okushylarynn kazaksha-orysha -agylshynsha mozdigi 4-bolim -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-409b.
6. 2020. Moldabek K.,Kenzhebekova R.I. Bastauysh mektepte kazak tilin katysymdyk technologiyamen okytu -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-184b.
7. 2020. Kenzhebekova R.I., Moldabek K. Bastauysh mektepte kazak tilin katysymdyk technologiyamen okytu -Almaty:TechSmith, 2020.-164b.
2015 у.    «Best Teacher of the university» Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
2018 у.    "Postal certificate" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2019 у.
    Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for multi-year labor and education system development, minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2019 у.    "Вest candidate of science"
2019 у.    G. Nagrudny Znak "honorary teacher of Kazakhstan"
2020 у.    G. Award recognition "Postal professor of Kazakhstan"
2020 у.    " the best year of study " International University Silkway.
2021 у.    "30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Additional information     Any computer work (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint)

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