Artykbayeva Fazila

Head of the "English language" department

Phone: +7  707-123-1681


Bachelor's degree: South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University. Specialty: 5B011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages (English/German).
2008 -     Master's degree: South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, specialty "Philology" 2006.
2017 -     Postgraduate study: Tver State University, 2017. 10.02.19-Theory of language (English).
•    Diploma of Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Russian Federation (2018).

Scientific or academic degree, position:    National Center for Higher Education Development. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate of recognition of a foreign document on the award of an academic degree.
Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the field of study 8D023 "Languages and Literature". Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2024.
Subjects taught 

 • Basic foreign language
• Methods of teaching professional disciplines
• Design and organization of research work
• Research methods in higher education
Field of study:     Linguistics, philology, psycholinguistic aspects of language and consciousness, methodology of foreign language education, comparative typology of languages.
Advanced training over the last 5 years: 
    •    Certificate of advanced training “Use of technology in EFL teaching” in the amount of 72 hours. Astrakhan University named after V.N. Tatishchev, 2023.Course certificate «Innovative Teaching with Chat GPT», Vanderbilt University, USA 2024
•    Course certificate “Assessment in Higher Education: Professional  Development for Teachers ”, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands 2024
•    Course certificate “Get Interactive: Practical Teaching  with Technology”, University of London, 2024.

Professional achievements    •    Research fellow in the grant project financed by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Research and development of a teaching and methodological complex for studying English with the improvement of communication skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) of 7th grade students", No. 103-1.1 based on the agreement AP08052329, 2020-2021.
•    participated in the work of the International Congress at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, 2016).
•    Winner of the Republican competition "BEST TEACHER AWARD-2020". 1st degree diploma and certificate.
•    letters of gratitude from the head of the International Association of Young Scientists for the support provided to young scientists in the project "Best Young Scientists-2021".
•    Letter of gratitude from the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V.A. Tsvyk. for assistance in organizing and implementing the RUDN University DPO program "Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication", 2016. Letters of thanks from the Akim of Shymkent G. Abdrakhimov (Shymkent, 2017), Certificate from the deputy of the regional maslikhat (Shymkent, 2018), Awarded a letter of thanks from the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - N.A. Nazarbayev.
    Value Characteristics of the Core of the Mental Lexicon of
Native Speakers of Language and Culture in the Light of
Intercultural Communication. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, USA, 2024 Mar 25;53(3):32. doi: 10.1007/s10936-024-10074-9. PMID: 38526840, USA, Publisher: Springer Nature. ISSN 0090-6905 E- ISSN 1573-6555. Scopus Q1 , Percentile – 90, Citation Index, IF - 3.666, JCR Q1.
Сопоставительный анализ казахского и английского языков. Вестник  Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, серия: «Филологические науки».- Алматы, (ККСОН) № 3(69), 2019 г.  – С. 457-465, ISSN 1728-7804.,-75,21.
Ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріндегі фразеологизмдердің лингвомәдени аспектілерін айқындайтын фразеологизмдер топтамасына талдау. Международный научно-популярный журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», (ККСОН) ISSN 2073-333X, № 4 (80), 2019. –  С. 223-226.
Особенности межъязыковых соответствии фразеологических единиц в русском, английском и казахском языках. Международный научно-популярный журнал(ККСОН)  «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», ISSN 2073-333X, № 3/4 , 2020. –  С.301-304.
New approaches to teaching English on the updated content of education. Международный научно-популярный журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», (ККСОН) ISSN 2073-333X, № 3/4 , 2020. –  С.298-301.
Современные вызовы подготовки будущих учителей к развитию критического мышления. (ККСОН)  Международный научно-популярный журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», ISSN 2073-333X, № 5/4 , 2020. –  С.265-269.
Basic methodological principles of an interactive approach to teaching English at school. European Journal of Education and Applied psychology/ scientific journal, Vienna, № 3, 2020, p.36-40.The journal has the GIF impact factor.468.
Towards Teaching and Assessing Future Tourism Specialists Communicative Competence. Psychology and Education Journal.vol.57No.9(2020),(Scopus)
The role of color names in Kazakh and English toponymy. Academy of strategic management journal 1.Volume 20, Special Issue 2,2021.
Шет тілін оқыту әдістемесі. Учебно-методическое пособие // Шымкент, 2017. –С.  121.

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