Announcement of a competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 with a deadline of 12 months

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) announces a competition for grant funding for 12 months (basic and applied research) in priority areas of development of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023.

Sciences: efficient use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology;

Good news!

At the beginning of the new academic year, the University library was replenished with valuable books, translated during 3 stages of 100 new textbooks sent by the National translation Agency.

SKSU named after M. Auezov together with the University "Syrdarіya" developed a technology to protect fabrics from viruses.

In SKSU named after M. Auezov together with the University "Syrdarіya" for several years under the guidance of Professor Malik Satayev conducted research on the installation of bactericidal coatings on fabrics and other dielectric materials. The peculiarity of the proposed methods is the use of photochemical processes caused by sunlight.

New school year and new Message

Today, the administration and the teaching staff listened to the next Address of the President - K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan.

In his message, the President raised a number of issues aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in the country, analyzing the measures taken to date to combat the pandemic.

In the Address issued on the eve of the Day of Knowledge, the President noted the need for a number of positive changes, especially in the field of education.

The Day of Knowledge

Dear teachers, professors and teachers!
Dear students and all Kazakhstanis!

I congratulate you on today's bright and joyful, significant holiday - the Day of Knowledge! Teachers of educational institutions on September 1 will welcome young entrants who are about to cross the walls of education. This day is not only a significant holiday, but also the beginning of a responsible period on which the future of our country depends.

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Dear teachers and students of the University "Syrdariya"!

I congratulate you on the occasion of the Constitution Day.

Today it is obvious that Constitution - the basic law of the state - contributed to the unity of the people of Kazakhstan on the way to a common goal.

         Every year, our great value - independence rallies more people.

         Every home I wish you happiness, prosperity and bright future of our country, perfection and thrive!


Before the start of the academic year, a regular meeting of the Academic Council took place at the Syrdariya University

The meeting was held in the format of video conferencing through the ZOOM platform.

Given that the main goal of the Academic Council is to create the necessary conditions for students and faculty, the university is successfully implementing professional training programs.

Interviews of applicants and parents during the Unified National Test

On the basis of the Syrdariуa University, during the passage of the Unified National Test (August test), which took place from August 18 to August 20, 2020, interviews were held with applicants and their parents.

Many of them expressed a desire to study at our university.

Good luck to you, dear applicants!
We sincerely wish you to step into a new life and become students!
Syrdaria University is waiting for you!


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