Sәrsenbі abdіsalam abdjakhanuly
Information about higher education, specialty, diploma qualification, year of graduation: SKSU named after M.Auezov, 5B010900-Mathematics, Bachelor of Education in the specialty 5B010900-Mathematics, 2013.
Information about practical work on the profile of taught disciplines, experience: 7 years
Information about the academic degree: Master of Natural Sciences, (6M060100-Mathematics, 2015), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D060100-Mathematics, 2019
Subject taught, discipline: Elementary mathematics, Theory of functions of a complex variable, Criteria-based assessment technology, Fundamentals of geometry, Private methods of teaching mathematics
Оқиға категориялары
Egemen Qazakhstan (12)
Рейтинг Media (12)
Студенттік Кеңес (8)