Work mug "Dombra"
The "Dombra" club works at the "Music and Music" department.
The leader of the group: cultural worker of the RK, senior teacher Kaynarbayeva Aigul Kalmakhanovna. Circle "Dombra" performs its work in a timely manner. In accordance with the specially approved plan, the club is run by students. The main purpose of the club is to teach students of the 1st year of the full-time form to play the dombre without musical training on 28.10.2024. students took part in the dombry circle and learned to play several pieces. During the practical educational week, a master class was held for members of the Dombro club and students. The main direction in it was the history of modern art and the way of playing. The students of the mug showed their mastery, the mastery of the dombre game. The mug program includes the following main works:
1) Kurmangazy "Aday"
2) Kurmangazy "Balbyraun"
3) "December"
4) Wolf Isa "Turkestan"
These works are studied by members of the club at a very high level.