Competition on political science
An interdepartmental intellectual contest "Leaders of Political Science" dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the University "Syrdariya" was held to promote the main ideas of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Focus on the Future: Spiritual Revival". In the intellectual competition organized by the senior lecturer of the department "History of the Fatherland and Abroad", Master of Science A.Azizbekova, groups of students of the faculty performed the task of 6 stages. Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, PhD Dr. P. Abdurazova, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor K. Isaeva gave a fair assessment in assessing the knowledge of students and determining the winners.
The competition "Leaders of Political Science" was first organized within each faculty. Leading students from each faculty were sent to participate in interdepartmental competitions. The idea of this competition came from students who wanted to debate and defend their opinions. And I decided to further expand their views and focus on their creative pursuits. Students showed interest and activity in this competition. These students are: Orynbasar Baimakhan, a student of "Computer Science and Software" and Narmuratov Babamurat, a student of "Biology". These two best students with great hopes for the future were my assistants in organizing and conducting the competition. I would like to thank each group of students who showed interest in the competition and would like to express my personal gratitude to both students who took an active part in the competition.
As for the educational value of such educational competitions for students, first of all, it contributes to their formation as politically socialized individuals, their development as politically literate, possessing certain political views and attitudes, thereby openly expressing their rights and opinions in public. teaches delivery. Therefore, the large number of educational competitions for students will allow them to become stronger as future professionals, "A. Azizbekova said at the end of the competition.
During the competition, students confidently answered the questions in accordance with their knowledge of politics during the semester and collected the appropriate scores. In addition to theoretical questions on political science, they were asked various questions about modern politics and international politics, public figures and politicians, their ideas and views. The competition was very interesting and competitive.
The results of the competition, which was attended by a total of five groups, were determined by the following decision of the jury.
I place "Humanitarian education" faculty;
II place - a group of chemistry and biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics;
III place, Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports.
Orynbasar Baimakhan and Narmuratov Babamurat, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, were awarded with special letters of thanks for active participation in the competition, as well as special letters of thanks for active participation in the organization of the competition.