Generational health
October 29 - an educational event dedicated to the Day of Alcohol Abstinence in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. On October 25, Akhmetova Perizat, a doctor of the Center for Healthy Lifestyles, Omirbay Kamira Slambekovna, a deputy chairwoman of the Women's Council, Zhumabayev Mugalbek Zhunusovich, a consultant of the Veterans' Council, Dintayeva Saltanat, a narcologist of the Makataral district polyclinic, and an obstetrician of the Zhetysai city polyclinic. - gynecologist Zerbayeva Feruza, psychologist of the Youth Center Sultanova Gulnur met with university students.
The event was opened by the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs and Social Affairs N.S. Tlenchieva noted that the issue of health is relevant in today's society, and drew the attention of young people to the guests.
Today, the problems of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction and early pregnancy are spreading among young people. Kamira Slambekovna noted that in the statistics, South Kazakhstan region is at the forefront of these issues. "Alcohol harms a person's health, life, ability to work and public life, in addition to violating the rules of behavior, it leads to crime and destroys the well-being of the family. It has also been proven that alcohol is harmful to future generations, and children of alcoholics are often born with disabilities, ”he said, urging young people to lead a healthy life.
Mugalbek Zhunusovich, a member of the Council of Veterans, said: “October 29 has been declared World Alcohol Abolition Day. There is a date for the prevention of cirrhosis of the liver, various types of cancer and addiction to "bitter water", which is a major cause of premature, premature death, threatening Kazakhstan and the world, leading to the development of neurological and other infectious diseases. If anyone knows, no one knows. "Experts say that 11% of the annual deaths in the country are caused by alcohol."
At the same time, narcologist Dinatayeva Saltanat spoke about the harmful effects of drug addiction on health and called on young people to fight against this "devil" as a society. Obstetrician-gynecologist Zerbayeva Feruza said that today's tragedy begins with upbringing: "Early pregnancy is an ax to the future.
... According to the media, 20 thousand teenagers get pregnant in Kazakhstan every year, half of them have abortions. This is an epidemic for our nation. "
Promoting a healthy lifestyle and raising a responsible generation has always been one of our goals. If we work hard to achieve this goal, we will surely reap the rewards.